- You may need to install the VC++ Redistributable for VS2012 in order to execute Ruoeg: http://www.microsoft.com/en-GB/download/details.aspx?id=30679
- Refer to the zip file if you just want to play the game (https://github.com/SantiagoSanchez/Ruoeg/blob/master/Ruoeg_1.0_05052013.zip?raw=true).
- Added a function to mute the music, pressing the M key ingame.
- A compass item added to show chests and downstairs (but not enemies).
- Player can now restart the game if he dies.
- Some adjustments done to the difficulty.
- Title screen added.
- Ability to choose the starting race.
- Game now saves and loads the high scores.
- Player can now use the downstairs.
- A map item added to show the whole map (without enemies nor chests).
- Enemies fully working.
- Score and experience system adjusted.
- Enemies now follow and attack you once they have been discovered.
- Some improvements made in the main code of the engine.
- Could we say game is almost finished? :)
- Player can now kill enemies.
- Fixed a bug with dungeon exploration.
- Ability to change whether enabling map view or not (blind mode).
- Field of View added to the player.
- Music added. Randomly chosen when start playing from six songs.
- UI elements added (Score, Dungeon exploration percentage, Level, Health, Armor, Attack, Experience, Number of chests and Number of enemies).
- Player can now open chests.
- Player movement added.
- Player can now collide with the environment.
- Race system added.
- Dungeon generation added.
- Some colors added.