This repository contains a Python implementation of Probabilistic dynamic time warping algorithm. The code is currently WIP, and not everything is implemented yet.
The original implementation of the algorithm can be found at:
If you use this code, please cite the original paper:
Räsänen, O. & Cruz Blandon, M. A. (2020). Unsupervised Discovery of Recurring Speech Patterns using Probabilistic Adaptive Metrics. Proc. Interspeech-2020, Shanghai, China, pp. 4871–4875.
Available for download:
To run the algorithm, first clone the repository. Then install the required packages by running
pip install -r requirements.txt
The algorithm contains 3 main-steps, each of which can be run separately.
- Feature extraction
- Low-resolution search
- High-resolution candidate alignment
During the feature-extraction the following procedures are done:
- The signals are downsampled to sampling rate of 8000
- The downsampled signals are segmented into short windows (0.025*sampling-rate by default)
- MFCC's are calculated. By default only 13 first coefficients are used.
- Delta and deltas of deltas are calculated from MFCC's and they are stacked on top of the MFCC's.
Running the feature extraction can be done with the following line:
python extract-features path/to/dataset path/to/output
The low-resolution search can be executed using the following:
python low-res-candidate-search path/to/features path/to/output
The high-resolution alignment search can be executed with: TBA
Running the whole pipeline is possible, but not recommended due to high computational demands:
- feature extraction
- Voice activity detection
- random distance calculations
- finding nearest segments with probabilistic distances
- Random distance calculations
- Calculate the real alignment paths