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Final Project in the course EEP520 "Software Engineering for Embedded Applications" with post-curricular development

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Project "TetrArm"


The initial goal of this project was to create a toy factory combining the popular game "Tetris" with a 3-DoF robotic arm to pick from a conveyor randmoly created figures and put them into a box where "Tetris" scenario happens.

But due to limitations of time and methods provided by an emerging multi-everything simulator ENVIRO, the current goal of the project has been shrinked to picking up a randomly-coloured block from the conveyor with a gripper and putting it to the box. As long as the block touches the bottom of the box, it disappears which shows how the toy factory thrives thanks to children's, and not only, endless desire to feed their imagination...

As for the control, there are 3 screen buttons (which names speak for themselves): "Emergency Stop", "Start Conveyor" and "Stop Conveyor". However, the workflow of the conveyor is a bit interesting: it has at its front a sensor, which measures a distance to the first-in-row block and stops the conveyor if the block close enough (block's inertial properties accounted for non-zero stop-distance). Only the "Emergency Stop" button is capable to change the state of the conveyor (i.e. stop completely). Otherwise, the conveyor starts automatically if the first-in-row block is removed by the gripper. The gripper, whereas, is entirely dependent on the user commands: keys controls its movement directions, Shift enables turbo speed mode and Space once pressed turns on gripping (turns off automatically if the block touches the bottom of the box). Turning the gripper off while the block is on the air and letting it freely fall down was expected, but not achieved... Sorry for less fun :(


There were lots of challenges related to simulation environment-specific and logic.

Simulation environment-specific

  • Agent's shape defined in its .json file:
    • Could be of two contradictory types: circular or polygon-shaped. So, you cannot create a conveyor belt (oval-shaped line).
      • Solution (partly): Create polygon-shaped one line (which collide with other agents) and decorate() it with arcs and the other line. Decorations are noninteractive type objects, which means other agents can easily pass through them without collision (which is good and bad). Good, because you can simulate complex agents (a robotic arm) without colliding their parts, and bad, because if any agent by chance accesses the complex agent's inner part where there might be other agents (for example, a conveyor belt and gears inside it in this project) - the intruder would mess up everything... And move_toward() method could help no way, though there are more to speak about that method too...
    • Polygon-shaped agent - a square room with one wall missing, for example a "toy box" in this project, would occupy the square space... So, other agents cannot access "seemingly free" space.
      • Solution (partly): Decorate it! But, again, decorations are noninteractive. Otherwise, if you need your agent (three-wall room) to be with physical properties (collision, friction, mass), create each part as an independent agent and attach to each other with attach_to(). Do not forget to prevent_rotation() each agent if you do not want them move around one another, because attach_to() keeps the agents' centers at particular distance (circle's radius). But if you create a complex agent, composed of several agents attached to each other, do not try to use remove_agent() method on them ("gripperCenter" attached to "objectGripper" which were initially meant to be removed from the simulation to tear the link with the gripped "buildingBlock" when it touches the bottom of the toy box, and added again at the same location without any link), because ENVIRO is not capable enough to manage complex multi-thread processes (invisble type agents could watch(Event()) but not emit(Event()), and even static type agents doing nothing in the project could not manage multi-thread Event() calls)
  • Methods:
    • move_toward() would "not move noticably" polygon-shaped agents with prevent_rotation() method called (which sets rotational friction to infinity), even if you try to set agent's linear friction to 1 and increase PID forward gain up to 100 000...
      • Solution (worst case sceanrio): Try to avoid its usage with non-rotating polygon-shaped agents! But if you need to move those agents, try to attach_to() an omni-directional agent (attaching the polygon-shaped "objectGripper" to omni-directional "gripperCenter" in this project) which would solve the problem somehow (read more on attach_to() method).
    • attach_to() as mentioned earlier, keeps the attached agents' centers at a particular distance (circle's radius).
      • Solution: Constrain agents centers' circular movement with agents' shapes of long geometry or move them syncronously (for instance in this project, including the polygon-shaped "objectGripper" of the same size as "buildingBlock" and implementing the same methods track_velocity() in "buildingBlock" and "objectGripper" update() methods respectively).
    • track_velocity() for polygon-shaped agents would move only in one direction unless rotation is allowed. But what if you need to keep an agent without rotation ( for example "objectGripper") and move it along X- and Y-axes? move_toward() method would not help you, as mentioned above, because of rotational friction set to infinity.
    • Solution: attach_to() to an omni-directional agent ("gripperCenter") which provides you movement along Y-axis, but also implement track_velocity() with the same Vx velocity as in omni_track_velocity() so both agents would move syncronously.


  • As the conveyor belt's sensor scans constantly and emits corresponding events when it detects whether there is a block or not, we need to highlight one specific scenario - belt is rotating with its sensor detecting no block in vicinity and new blocks are being generated at the rear end of the conveyor. As there is no blocks near the sensor, the latter would emit constantly (which is good as it should be) and the formers move, but the blocks controller should be notified only with the sensor scan change and not its every scan. Otherwise, the controller would be constantly interrupted, missing other events as attaching the block to the gripper or removing it when a collision with the toy box detected, or not missing any event but leaving less computational resources for other agents controllers and state machines.

  • event.stop_propagation() method once implemented in the building block controller would stop the same event being watched by the rest same-type agents controllers. For example, there are three conveyor gears in this project, and if there is an event which triggers the gears' state change in their FSMs, implementing event.stop_propagation() in the FSM (conveyor_gear.h file) would work for only one gear and not for the rest two.

  • Simple multi-thread events (gripping one block without affecting the rest) could be dealt with emitting events with "block_id" value field.


Keeping in mind that the Docker container is already installed...

First, clone the git repo with

git clone

Second, start the docker image environment with (v1.5 is preferred, as later versions are unstable and earlier ones do not contain new methods for futher modifications)

docker run -p80:80 -p8765:8765 -v $PWD/TetrArm:/source -it klavins/enviro:v1.5 bash

If this is the first time using this image file, it will be automatically downloaded.

Run the Simulation

As long as the image is in use, you would see PWD as root@#######:/source Then execute the following commands:

esm start
  • To make existing header and source files executable (shared object type files with .so extension)
  • To start simulation


There are 7 agents in this project:

  1. conveyor_belt: the main tasks are to notify conveyor_gear about the sensor scan (detected object or no) and generate randomly-coloured blocks with a frequency of 3 seconds (no matter how many times "Emergency Stop", "Start Conveyor", "Stop Conveyor" are pressed to reset the counting stopwatch).
  2. conveyor_gear (3 instances): the main tasks are to visualize the rotating conveyor belt by its rotation and start/stop moving building_block.
  3. rail_road: the main task is to move with the gripper along the X-axis of the factory's ceiling.
  4. object_gripper: the main task is to grip a building_block and transfer it from the conveyor_belt to the toy_box.
  5. gripper_center: the main task is to enable the object_gripper to move along Y-axis.
  6. toy_box: the main task is to remove building_block in touch.
  7. building_block: the main task is to be a block, but with the project's most implementations such as moving along the conveyor_belt or with object_gripper and being removed once it collides with the toy_box.



Final Project in the course EEP520 "Software Engineering for Embedded Applications" with post-curricular development






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