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Display Groups

Eddy Lelièvre-Berna edited this page May 18, 2021 · 2 revisions

The GAM_DISPLAYGROUP table displays information about groups of objects that should be displayed together. A display group is just a grouping of objects that users would like to see in the same place.

There is one to many relationship between the GAM_DISPLAYGROUP and GAM_OBJECT tables. One display group can have multiple objects, but objects do not need to be in any display group. An object can only be in one display group.

Display group table

Attribute name Attribute meaning Data type Mandatory Notes
DG_ID ID of display group 24-bit Integer Yes It is the primary key. It is automatically incremented, no need to set it manually.
DG_NAME Name of display group String, up to 50 bytes in size No
DG_OUTOFOPERATION If the display group is out of operation, 0 by default. Integer from 0 to 9 No You never should clear objects, object types or object classes (or anything else) from the database as old measurements will reference to it.
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