Enviroment and packages that I test: Python 3.5 Tensorflow 1.70 Other python packages: sklearn, scipy, matplotlib, etc.
Task 1: CNN
To start training and tuning with cross-validation, please run (e.g.): $ python main.py --task=train_cnn --datapath=../datasets --lr=0.01 --batch_size=64 --momentum=0.9 lr is short for learning rate. The performance (in terms of ccuaracy and loss) of the model on the training set and validation set will be reported.
To start training without cross-validation to save time, please specify --cross_validate=0, e.g: $ python main.py --task=train_cnn --datapath=../datasets --cross_validate=0 --lr=0.01 --batch_size=64 --momentum=0.9
To test the well-trained model and report the performance on test set, please run: $ python main.py --task=test_cnn
It will load the model which is trained under the best parameter settings that I tuned: lr=0.01, batch_size=64, momentum=0.9 Plase make sure the "checkpoints" directory is in the right position as I have already uploaded.
My tuning result using 5-fold cross validation:
LR Acc Loss Time per fold(s) 0.01 0.8419 0.5098 81 0.001 0.8324 0.5321 81 0.0001 0.5966 1.4059 81
BS Acc Loss Time per fold(s) 64 0.8476 0.475 101 256 0.8419 0.5098 71 512 0.8394 0.519 66 (BS - Batch Size)
Momentum Acc Loss Time per fold(s) 0.1 0.8393 0.541 101 0.5 0.84 0.5207 101 0.9 0.8476 0.475 101)
Best params: lr=0.01, batch_size=64, momentum=0.9 Performance: Acc on training set 0.956 Loss on training set 0.1297 Acc on test set 0.8375 Loss on test set 0.591
Task 2: CAE
To tune the parameters for CAE training, please run (e.g.): $ python main.py --task=train_ae --datapath=../datasets --lr=0.01 --batch_size=64 It will compute the loss of the CAE model on the training set while training.
To evaluate the CAE model and compute the feature maps and reconstructed images for CAE training, please run: $ python main.py --task=evaluate_ae --datapath=../datasets
It will report the loss of the trained CAE on evaluation set and show visualization results. Plase make sure the "checkpoints" directory is in the right position as I have already uploaded.
My tunning result: LR loss time 0.01 0.085291 4m5s 0.001 0.003436 4m5s 0.0001 0.004201 4m5s
BS loss time 32 0.003168 10m42s 64 0.003196 6m43 256 0.003436 4m5s 512 0.003602 3m37s
Best params: learning rate = 0.001, batch size=32 Best performance: loss on training set 0.003165 loss on evulation set 0.003168