Release notes - Synapse Python Client - Version 1.8.2
Install Instructions: pip install --upgrade synapseclient
or see http://docs.synapse.org/python/#installation
Documentation: http://sage-bionetworks.github.io/synapsePythonClient
Release Date: 17-August-2018
In this release, we have been performed some house-keeping on the code base. The two major changes are:
- making
available to move an entity to a new parent in Synapse. For example:
import synapseclient
from synapseclient import Folder
syn = synapseclient.login()
file = syn.get("syn123")
folder = Folder("new folder", parent="syn456")
folder = syn.store(folder)
# moving file to the newly created folder
syn.move(file, folder)
- exposing the ability to use the Synapse Python client with single threaded. This feature is useful when running Python script in an environment that does not support multi-threading. However, this will negatively impact upload speed. To use single threaded:
import synapseclient
synapseclient.config.single_threaded = True
- [SYNPY-535] - Synapse Table update: Connection Reset
- [SYNPY-603] - Python client and synapser cannot handle table column type LINK
- [SYNPY-688] - Recursive get (sync) broken for empty folders.
- [SYNPY-744] - KeyError when trying to download using Synapse Client 1.8.1
- [SYNPY-750] - Error in downloadTableColumns for file view
- [SYNPY-758] - docs in Sphinx don't show for synapseclient.table.RowSet
- [SYNPY-760] - Keyring related error on Linux
- [SYNPY-766] - as_table_columns() returns a list of columns out of order for python 3.5 and 2.7
- [SYNPY-776] - Cannot log in to Synapse - error(54, 'Connection reset by peer')
- [SYNPY-795] - Not recognizable column in query result
New Feature
- [SYNPY-582] - move file or folder in the client
- [SYNPY-788] - Add option to use syn.store() without exercising multithreads
- [SYNPY-729] - Deprecate query() and chunkedQuery()
- [SYNPY-797] - Check Python client code base on using PLFM object model
- [SYNPY-798] - Using github.io to host documentation