An app that lets users search a driver from the F1 2022 season, receive all-time statistics for the driver and relevant stats for the current season
- App is made using Python, Tkinter, and requests(HTTP library)
- Data is generated through a public F1 API, Ergast Developer API
- Used Postman API + API documentation to generate request links
Pictures of App:
Front-End Features:
- app is divided into 2 frames, a searching frame and a content frame
- entrybox to let users type text
- dynamic listbox which is connected to entrybox, giving suggestions based on live user input
- Alternatively to typing entire names, users can write a few letters and then pick suggested items from listbox. Selection appears in entry-box, and listbox is hidden simultaneously
- After writinng/selecting driver name, user can search it
- through a lambda function, search button is binded to the enter button on keyboard, so users can either press enter to activate the search button, or can directly press on it
API Functionality:
- user-input is validated and converted to an id that's passed to several api functions, making GET requests (using the id) to api, and display the generated content
Error and Exception Handling:
- can handle invalid inputs, by returning a message (appears temporarily) stating that the input doesn't exist
note: to run the app, make sure to have image (.ico format) and the code running in the same directory!