Free-style Gomoku rule.
Detail: (Traditional Chinese)
EXE file:
Include src/search/engine.h to use search engine.
// Create a engine.
Search::Engine engine;
// Set search parameters.
Search::LIMIT_DEPTH = depth; // Extensions will not be limited.
Search::MC_C = mc_c; // Multi-Cut number of cutoffs.
Search::MC_M = mc_m; // Multi-Cut number of moves.
Search::MC_R = mc_r; // Multi-Cut depth reduction.
Search::VCF_DEPTH = vcf_depth; // VCF depth.
// Make a move for black.
engine.move({7, 7}, Black);
// Search for the best move for white.
const auto bestMove = engine.bestMove(White);
// Check the best move is legal. (Engine::bestMove return should be legal.)
const auto legal = Search::Engine::isLegal(bestMove);
if (legal) {
// Make a move for white.
engine.move(bestMove, White);
// Get Gomoku game status.
const auto status = engine.gameStatus(bestMove, White);
// Determine whether to continue the game based on the status.
switch (status) {
case Draw:
// Dealing with draw and don't continue use the engine.
case Undecided:
// Continue the game.
case Win:
// Dealing with White's victory and don't continue use the engine.
// Undo a move. Please make sure there are moves that can be undo.
- Qt 6.5.2
- Enhanced Forward Pruning (Search)
- (Evaluation)
- (UI)
- Searching depth reaches 12 ply.
- Principal Variation Search (PVS)
- Victory of Continuous Four (VCF) search
- Transposition table
- Null Move Pruning
- Multi-Cut
- Extensions