Please visit Hatchery for updated version!
Simple micropython software repository for the SHA2017 Badge.
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Hatchery is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
Requires PHP 7.1 or later!
cp .env.example .env
Edit your database, mail and other settings..
pip install pyflakes
composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
yarn production
Compiling and installing the patched minigzip
tar xvf zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz
cd zlib-1.2.11
echo -e "#define MAX_WBITS 13\n$(cat zconf.h)" > zconf.h
sudo make install
Running the development server.
php artisan serve
/eggs/get/[app]/json - get json data for a the egg named [app]
/eggs/list/json - a list of all eggs with name, slug, description, revision
/eggs/search/[words]/json - json data for search query [words]
/eggs/categories/json - json list of categories
/eggs/category/[cat]/json - json data for category [cat]
Events (via
/schedule/schedule.json - version and dates
/schedule/day/[0-4].json - names and guids
/schedule/event/[guid].json - info about events
/schedule/fahrplan/[0-4].json - time, duration and tile
App specific
/weather - weather proxied from
Run all the tests
Run a test suite (for a list of availabe suites, see /phpunit.xml
phpunit --testsuite <suite_name>
Run a specific test file
phpunit tests/<optional_folders>/TestFileName
Run a specific test case
phpunit --filter <test_case_name>
Generate code coverage
phpunit --coverage-html docs/coverage
This will create the code coverage docs in docs/coverage/index.html