Masque: Squarish is an add-on for World of Warcraft that adds a set of skins for Masque.
This set includes the following skins:
- Squarish - A port of the original SimpleSquare skin for cyCircled.
- Squarish Thin - An alternate version of Squarish created by Phanx.
This add-on requires Masque.
Install the package through your preferred add-on manager or extract the archive to your add-ons directory.
- Retail:
World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns
- Classic Era:
World of Warcraft\_classic_era_\Interface\AddOns
- Cataclysm Classic:
World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface\AddOns
- ScythXIII for the original SimpleSquare skin for cyCircled.
- Moonwitch for the port to ButtonFacade.
- Phanx for the Thin version and for the port to Masque.
For bug reports and suggestions, use the issue tracker. Direct any questions or comments to Discord.
To help translate this add-on, use the localization system. Alternatively, you can use the issue tracker.
- Resources
- Mirrors