- Health/Mana bars
- Player Status
- Inventory
- Project tiles
- Options(fullscreen, volume mix
- Save option
- Pause statement
- Advanced dialogues
- Advanced game events
- Mobs
- A* pathfinding for npc/mobs
- Knockback effect on attack
- Guard/parry fight
- Dungeon+puzzles
- Boss spawn
- Object detection+stackable items
- Ligth effect + environment light
- Save/Load option, map+radar
- Finish the game design, music, SE and plot of the current game.
- Make a random chance of dropping another data source (draw multiple options) and put 50%
- On the map, make a bay and a ship, where, after payment, you are transported to another island on the same map
- Make smarter AI behavior while they're walking
When I attended IT courses, I was highly motivated to complete tasks with not just 100 percent quality, but 200 percent. One day, we received our homework assignment, which involved creating an RPG game in Java console. This sparked an idea in my mind: could I develop the same game but with a user interface (UI) instead of just a console interface? Since then, it has been one year of development, and I am still making progress.