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The Hardware Sampling (hws) library can be used to track hardware performance like clock frequency, memory usage, temperatures, or power draw.


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hws - Hardware Sampling for CPUs and GPUs

The Hardware Sampling (hws) library can be used to track hardware performance like clock frequency, memory usage, temperatures, or power draw. It currently supports CPUs as well as GPUs from NVIDIA, AMD, and Intel.

Getting Started


General dependencies:

  • a C++17 capable compiler
  • {fmt} > 11.0.2 for string formatting (automatically build during the CMake configuration if it couldn't be found using the respective find_package call)
  • Pybind11 > v2.13.1 if Python bindings are enabled (automatically build during the CMake configuration if it couldn't be found using the respective find_package call)

Dependencies based on the hardware to sample:

  • if a CPU should be targeted: at least one of turbostat (may require root privileges), lscpu, or free and the subprocess.h library (automatically build during the CMake configuration if it couldn't be found using the respective find_package call)
  • if an NVIDIA GPU should be targeted: NVIDIA's Management Library NVML
  • if an AMD GPU should be targeted: AMD's ROCm SMI library rocm_smi_lib
  • if an Intel GPU should be targeted: Intel's Level Zero library

Building hws

To download the hardware sampling use:

git clone [email protected]:SC-SGS/hardware_sampling.git
cd hardware_sampling 

Building the library can be done using the normal CMake approach:

mkdir build && cd build 
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release [optional_options] .. 
cmake --build . -j

Optional CMake Options

The [optional_options] can be one or multiple of:

  • HWS_ENABLE_ERROR_CHECKS=ON|OFF (default: OFF): enable sanity checks during hardware sampling, may be problematic with smaller sample intervals
  • HWS_SAMPLING_INTERVAL=100ms (default: 100ms): set the sampling interval in milliseconds
  • HWS_ENABLE_PYTHON_BINDINGS=ON|OFF (default: ON): enable Python bindings


The library supports the install target:

cmake --install . --prefix "/home/myuser/installdir"

Afterward, the necessary exports should be performed:


Note: when using Intel GPUs, the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH should be updated to point to our cmake directory containing the Findlevel_zero.cmake file and export ZES_ENABLE_SYSMAN=1 should be set.

Available samples

The sampling type fixed denotes samples that are gathered once per hardware samples like maximum clock frequencies or temperatures or the total available memory. The sampling type sampled denotes samples that are gathered during the whole hardware sampling process like the current clock frequencies, temperatures, or memory consumption.

General samples

sample sample type CPUs NVIDIA GPUs AMD GPUs Intel GPUs
architecture fixed str str str -
byte_order fixed str str (fix) str (fix) str (fix)
num_cores fixed int int - -
num_threads fixed int - - -
threads_per_core fixed int - - -
cores_per_socket fixed int - - -
num_sockets fixed int - - -
numa_nodes fixed int - - -
vendor_id fixed str str (fix) str str (PCIe ID)
name fixed str str str str
flags fixed list of str - - list of str
persistence_mode fixed - bool - -
standby_mode fixed - - - str
num_threads_per_eu fixed - - - int
eu_simd_width fixed - - - int
compute_utilization sampled % % % -
memory_utilization sampled - % % -
ipc sampled float - - -
irq sampled int - - -
smi sampled int - - -
poll sampled int - - -
poll_percent sampled % - - -
performance_level sampled - int str -

clock-related samples

sample sample type CPUs NVIDIA GPUs AMD GPUs Intel GPUs
auto_boosted_clock_enabled fixed bool bool - -
clock_frequency_min fixed MHz MHz MHz MHz
clock_frequency_max fixed MHz MHz MHz MHz
memory_clock_frequency_min fixed - MHz MHz MHz
memory_clock_frequency_max fixed - MHz MHz MHz
socket_clock_frequency_min fixed - - MHz -
socket_clock_frequency_min fixed - - MHz -
sm_clock_frequency_max fixed - MHz - -
available_clock_frequencies fixed - map of MHz list of MHz list of MHz
available_memory_clock_frequencies fixed - list of MHz list of MHz list of MHz
clock_frequency sampled MHz MHz MHz MHz
average_non_idle_clock_frequency sampled MHz - - -
time_stamp_counter sampled MHz - - -
memory_clock_frequency sampled - MHz MHz MHz
socket_clock_frequency sampled - - MHz -
sm_clock_frequency sampled - MHz - -
overdrive_level sampled - - % -
memory_overdrive_level sampled - - % -
throttle_reason sampled - bitmask - bitmask
throttle_reason_string sampled - str - str
memory_throttle_reason sampled - - - bitmask
memory_throttle_reason_string sampled - - - str
auto_boosted_clock sampled - bool - -
frequency_limit_tdp sampled - - - MHz
memory_frequency_limit_tdp sampled - - - MHz

power-related samples

sample sample type CPUs NVIDIA GPUs AMD GPUs Intel GPUs
power_management_limit fixed - W W -
power_enforced_limit fixed - W W W
power_measurement_type fixed str (fix) str str str
power_management_mode fixed - bool - bool
available_power_profiles fixed - list of int list of str -
power_usage sampled W W W W
(calculated via power_total_energy_consumption)
core_watt sampled W - - -
dram_watt sampled W - - -
package_rapl_throttling sampled % - - -
dram_rapl_throttling sampled % - - -
power_total_energy_consumption sampled J
(calculated via power_usage)
(calculated via power_usage if
power_total_energy_consumption isn't available)
power_profile sampled - int str -

memory-related samples

sample sample type CPUs NVIDIA GPUs AMD GPUs Intel GPUs
cache_size_L1d fixed str - - -
cache_size_L1i fixed str - - -
cache_size_L2 fixed str - - -
cache_size_L3 fixed str - - -
memory_total fixed B B B B
(map of memory modules)
visible_memory_total fixed - - B B
(map of memory modules)
swap_memory_total fixed B - - -
num_pcie_lanes_min fixed - - int -
num_pcie_lanes_max fixed - int int int
pcie_link_generation_max fixed - int - int
pcie_link_speed_max fixed - MBPS - MBPS
pcie_link_transfer_rate_min fixed - - MT/s -
pcie_link_transfer_rate_max fixed - - MT/s -
memory_bus_width fixed - Bit - Bit
(map of memory modules)
memory_num_channels fixed - - - int
(map of memory modules)
memory_used sampled B B B B
(map of memory modules)
memory_free sampled B B B B
(map of memory modules)
swap_memory_used sampled B - - -
swap_memory_free sampled B - - -
num_pcie_lanes sampled - int int int
pcie_link_generation sampled - int - int
pcie_link_speed sampled - MBPS - MBPS
pcie_link_transfer_rate sampled - - T/s -

temperature-related samples

sample sample type CPUs NVIDIA GPUs AMD GPUs Intel GPUs
num_fans fixed - int int int
fan_speed_min fixed - % - -
fan_speed_max fixed - % RPM RPM
temperature_min fixed - - °C -
temperature_max fixed - °C °C °C
memory_temperature_min fixed - - °C -
memory_temperature_max fixed - °C °C °C
hotspot_temperature_min fixed - - °C -
hotspot_temperature_max fixed - - °C -
hbm_0_temperature_min fixed - - °C -
hbm_0_temperature_max fixed - - °C -
hbm_1_temperature_min fixed - - °C -
hbm_1_temperature_max fixed - - °C -
hbm_2_temperature_min fixed - - °C -
hbm_2_temperature_max fixed - - °C -
hbm_3_temperature_min fixed - - °C -
hbm_3_temperature_max fixed - - °C -
global_temperature_max fixed - - °C °C
fan_speed_percentage sampled - % % %
temperature sampled °C °C °C °C
memory_temperature sampled - - °C °C
hotspot_temperature sampled - - °C -
hbm_0_temperature sampled - - °C -
hbm_1_temperature sampled - - °C -
hbm_2_temperature sampled - - °C -
hbm_3_temperature sampled - - °C -
global_temperature sampled - - - °C
psu_temperature sampled - - - °C
core_temperature sampled °C - - -
core_throttle_percent sampled % - - -

gfx-related (iGPU) samples

sample sample type CPUs
gfx_render_state_percent sampled %
gfx_frequency sampled MHz
average_gfx_frequency sampled MHz
gfx_state_c0_percent sampled %
cpu_works_for_gpu_percent sampled %
gfx_watt sampled W

"idle states"-related samples

sample sample type CPUs
idle_states fixed map of values
all_cpus_state_c0_percent sampled %
any_cpu_state_c0_percent sampled %
low_power_idle_state_percent sampled %
system_low_power_idle_state_percent sampled %
package_low_power_idle_state_percent sampled %

Example Python usage

import HardwareSampling as hws
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import datetime

sampler = hws.CpuHardwareSampler()
# could also be, e.g.,
# sampler = hws.GpuNvidiaHardwareSampler()

A = np.random.rand(2 ** 14, 2 ** 14)
B = np.random.rand(2 ** 14, 2 ** 14)

C = A @ B


# plot the results
time_points = sampler.relative_time_points()

plt.plot(time_points, sampler.clock_samples().get_clock_frequency(), label="average")
plt.plot(time_points, sampler.clock_samples().get_average_non_idle_clock_frequency(), label="average non-idle")

axes = plt.gcf().axes[0]
x_bounds = axes.get_xlim()
for event in sampler.get_relative_events()[1:-1]:
    axes.axvline(x=event.relative_time_point, color='r')
                  xy=(((event.relative_time_point - x_bounds[0]) / (x_bounds[1] - x_bounds[0])), 1.025),
                  xycoords='axes fraction', rotation=270)

plt.xlabel("runtime [ms]")
plt.ylabel("clock frequency [MHz]")

example frequency plot


The hws library is distributed under the MIT license.


The Hardware Sampling (hws) library can be used to track hardware performance like clock frequency, memory usage, temperatures, or power draw.







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