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Entity Specific Values

Esophose edited this page Dec 11, 2022 · 4 revisions


You can check for conditions that are specific to certain entities. These conditions are used in the same way as other conditions, and you can visit the Conditions page to learn more about them.

Entity-Specific Values

Entity Type Condition Description Values Example
Axolotl axolotl-playing-dead Axolotl must be playing dead None axolotl-playing-dead
axolotl-variant Axolotl must be a specific variant Axolotl Variant, requires 1 or more axolotl-variant:blue
Bat bat-sleeping Bat must be asleep hanging on a block None bat-sleeping
Bee bee-angry Bee must be angry and trying to sting you None bee-angry
bee-has-hive Bee must have a hive it calls home None bee-has-hive
bee-has-stung Bee must be suffering the loss of its stinger None bee-has-stung
bee-has-flower Bee must be bee-lining towards a flower or actively pollinating it None bee-has-flower
bee-has-nectar Bee must be happily covered in pollen None bee-has-nectar
Camel camel-dashing Camel must be dashing None camel-dashing
Cat cat-type Cat must be a certain type Cat Type, requires 1 or more cat-type:siamese
cat-collar-color Cat must have a certain color of collar Dye Color, requires 1 or more cat-collar-color:pink
Cave Spider
Creeper creeper-charged Creeper must have been struck by lightning and charged up None creeper-charged
Elder Guardian
Ender Dragon ender-dragon-phase Ender Dragon must be in a specific fight phase Ender Dragon Phase, requires 1 or more ender-dragon-phase:land_on_portal
Enderman enderman-holding-block Enderman must be holding a block or a specific block Material, requires 0 or more. If 0, matches against any material. enderman-holding-block:grass_block
Fox fox-type Fox must be of a certain type Fox Type, requires 1 or more fox-type:snow
fox-crouching Fox must be crouching and getting ready to pounce None fox-crouching
Frog frog-variant Frog must be of a certain variant Frog Variant, requires 1 or more frog-variant:temperate
Glow Squid glow-squid-dark Bravo Six going dark, glow squid must be fleeing an attacker None glow-squid-dark
Goat goat-screaming Goat must be of the angrily screaming variety None goat-screaming
goat-has-left-horn Goat must still have its left horn None goat-has-left-horn
goat-has-right-horn Goat must still have its right horn None goat-has-right-horn
Hoglin hoglin-unhuntable Hoglin must be unable to be hunted by piglins None hoglin-unhuntable
Horse horse-armored Horse must have a specific kind of armor diamond, gold, iron, or leather. If no value is provided, will be true if any armor is equipped. horse-armored:diamond
horse-style Horse must be of a specific style Horse Style, requires 1 or more horse-style:whitefield
horse-color Horse must be of a specific color Horse Color, requires 1 or more horse-color:chestnut
Husk husk-converting Husk must be converting to a zombie None husk-converting
Illusioner illusioner-spell Illusioner must be casting a specific spell Spellcaster Spell, requires 1 or more illusioner-spell:wololo
Iron Golem iron-golem-player-created Iron Golem must have been created by a player None iron-golem-player-created
Llama llama-decor Llama must have a specific decor equipped Carpet Material, requires 1 or more llama-decor:red_carpet
llama-color Llama must be a specific color Llama Color, requires 1 or more llama-color:creamy
Magma Cube magma-cube-size Magma Cube must be a specific size Positive Number, requires 1 or more magma-cube-size:3
Mooshroom mooshroom-variant Mooshroom must be of a specific variant Mooshroom Variant, requires 1 or more mooshroom-variant:brown
Panda panda-main-gene Panda must have a specific main gene Panda Gene, requires 1 or more panda-main-gene:weak
panda-hidden-gene Panda must have a specific hidden gene Panda Gene, requires 1 or more panda-hidden-gene:playful
Parrot parrot-variant Parrot must be a specific variant Parrot Variant parrot-variant:blue
Phantom phantom-size Phantom must be a specific size Positive Number, requires 1 or more phantom-size:2
Piglin Brute piglin-brute-converting Piglin Brute must be converting to a zombified piglin None piglin-brute-converting
piglin-brute-immune-to-zombification Piglin Brute must be unable to turn into a zombified piglin None piglin-brute-immune-to-zombification
Piglin piglin-converting Piglin must be converting to a zombified piglin None piglin-converting
piglin-immune-to-zombification Piglin must be unable to turn into a zombified piglin None piglin-immune-to-zombification
piglin-unable-to-hunt Piglin must be unable to hunt for hoglins None piglin-unable-to-hunt
Polar Bear
Pufferfish pufferfish-puff-state Pufferfish must be inflated to a certain amount Whole number between 0 and 2, 0 being uninflated and 2 being fully inflated. Requires 1 or more. pufferfish-puff-state:2
Rabbit rabbit-type Rabbit must be a specific type Rabbit Type, requires 1 or more rabbit-type:the_killer_bunny
Sheep sheep-sheared Sheep must be sheared None sheep-sheared
sheep-color Sheep must be a specific color Dye Color, requires 1 or more sheep-color:pink
Skeleton skeleton-converting Skeleton must be freezing and converting to a stray None skeleton-converting
Skeleton Horse
Slime slime-size Slime must be a specific size Positive Number, requires 1 or more slime-size:3
Snowman snowman-no-pumpkin Snowman must not have its pumpkin None snowman-no-pumpkin
Strider strider-shivering Strider must be outside of lava and shivering None strider-shivering
Trader Llama trader-llama-decor Trader Llama must have a specific decor equipped Carpet Material, requires 1 or more llama-decor:red_carpet
llama-color Trader Llama must be a specific color Llama Color, requires 1 or more llama-color:creamy
Tropical Fish tropical-fish-body-color Tropical Fish must have a specific body color Dye Color, requires 1 or more tropical-fish-body-color:red
tropical-fish-pattern Tropical Fish must have a specific pattern Tropical Fish Pattern, requires 1 or more tropical-fish-pattern:sunstreak
tropical-fish-pattern-color Tropical Fish must have a specific pattern color Dye Color, requires 1 or more tropical-fish-pattern-color:blue
Vex vex-charging Vex must be charging towards its target None vex-charging
Villager villager-profession Villager must have a specific profession Villager Profession, requires 1 or more villager-profession:librarian
villager-type Villager must be a specific type Villager Type, requires 1 or more villager-type:snow
villager-level Villager must have a level greater than or equal to the given value Positive Number, requires 1 or more villager-level:3
Wandering Trader
Wither Skeleton
Wolf wolf-angry Wolf must be angry and attacking a target None wolf-angry
wolf-color Wolf must have a specific collar color Dye Color, requires 1 or more wolf-color:magenta
Zombie zombie-converting Zombie must be converting to a drowned None zombie-converting
Zombie Horse
Zombie Villager zombie-villager-converting Zombie Villager must be getting cured None zombie-villager-converting
zombie-villager-profession Zombie Villager must have a specific profession Villager Profession, requires 1 or more zombie-villager-profession:cleric
Zombified Piglin zombified-piglin-angry Zombified Piglin must be angry at a player None zombified-piglin-angry