Python plugin for Domoticz to add integration with zigbee2mqtt project
- Setup and run zigbee2mqtt server (
- Make sure that your Domoticz supports Python plugins (
You can use Plugins Manager for automatic installation or follow manual steps:
- Clone repository into your domoticz plugins folder
cd domoticz/plugins
git clone zigbee2mqtt
- Restart domoticz
- Make sure that "Accept new Hardware Devices" is enabled in Domoticz settings
- Go to "Hardware" page and add new item with type "Zigbee2MQTT"
- Set your MQTT server address and port to plugin settings
Once plugin receive device list from zigbee2mqtt server it will create appropriate domoticz devices. You will find these devices on Setup -> Devices
- Go to plugin folder and pull new version
cd domoticz/plugins/zigbee2mqtt
git pull
- Restart domoticz
Plugin supports zigbee groups. It is impossible to automatically identify what device should represent the group (OnOff switch, dimmer, etc.), so plugin relies on suffixes in zigbee group name. Currently following suffixes are supported:
Suffix | Device Type | Example |
_dimmer | Dimmer Switch | mygroup_dimmer |
_ct | Dimmer Switch with Color Temperature | mygroup_ct |
_rgb | RGB Switch | mygroup_rgb |
_rgbw | RGBW Switch | mygroup_rgbw |
if no suffix will be found then On/Off switch will be created by default
see the full list here