Packager for digitized still image and textual assets.
If you have git and Docker installed, using this repository is as simple as:
git clone
cd digitized_image_packaging
docker build -t digitized_image_packaging .
docker run digitized_image_packaging
This repository is intended to be deployed as an ECS Task in AWS infrastructure.
This application expects to receive packages with the following structure,
where identifier
is a unique identifier for a package:
/{identifier} /master {identifier}_001.tif {identifier}_002.tif {identifier}_003.tif /master_edited {identifier}_001.tif {identifier}_002.tif {identifier}_003.tif /service_edited {identifier}.pdf
It will produce packages with the following structure:
/{identifier} {identifier}_001.tif {identifier}_002.tif {identifier}_003.tif /service {identifier}_001.tif {identifier}_002.tif {identifier}_003.tif
This code is released under the MIT License.
This is an open source project and we welcome contributions! If you want to fix a bug, or have an idea of how to enhance the application, the process looks like this:
- File an issue in this repository. This will provide a location to discuss proposed implementations of fixes or enhancements, and can then be tied to a subsequent pull request.
- If you have an idea of how to fix the bug (or make the improvements), fork the repository and work in your own branch. When you are done, push the branch back to this repository and set up a pull request. Automated unit tests are run on all pull requests. Any new code should have unit test coverage, documentation (if necessary), and should conform to the Python PEP8 style guidelines.
- After some back and forth between you and core committers (or individuals who have privileges to commit to the base branch of this repository), your code will probably be merged, perhaps with some minor changes.
This repository contains a configuration file for git pre-commit hooks which help ensure that code is linted before it is checked into version control. It is strongly recommended that you install these hooks locally by installing pre-commit and running pre-commit install
New code should have unit tests. Tests can be run using tox.