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Template R Projects with virtual enviroment from renv package

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Template to work with R projects using Git and renv.

A short description of the project.

Install Git in your local machine

How to connect Rstudio with Github

Check How to use git github with r blog

  1. Install the packages 'usethis' and 'gitcreds' which provide some helpulf functions.
  2. Check if Git is installed. Write in the R terminal: $which git
  3. Create Github personal token. Use 'usethis::create_github_token()'
  4. Copy the personal token from the Github pop-up
  5. Call 'gitcreds::gitcreds_set()'. Follow the instructions.

To pull a Github repository (recommended) I. Create a project -> Version control. II. Paste the repository link.

To upload a local repository: I. Create project with Git or call 'usethis:: use_git()' to create the required files. II. Create Github repo with 'usethis::use_github()'

How to start

To start, we need to do some steps:

  1. Execute the R project to start working in the relative directory
  2. Install all required libraries using renv::restore(). *Note: this template does not have docker support.

Work with renv

renv package have some useful functions to track changes in library requierments and keep it updated.

  1. First time a project is created, the function renv::activate() creates the enviroment in the project root to keep a specific subfolder for libraries
  2. The renv.lock in the root folder keep tracks of the needed libraries.
  3. Any time a library or package is installed you can update this file using renv::snapshot(). This function checks for package names wrapped in requiere() or library() functions. It won't work with <package>::<function> lines!
  4. In case there is some problems when installing a package, refer to: This issue in the Rstudio community . In many cases, utils::install.packages() works.
  5. Everytime the project need to be executed in a different machine, the environment must be activated using renv::activate(). The packages can be recovered fron renv.lock using renv::restore(). Asking to restore the packages without activating the enviroment will trigger a popup asking to whether active the environment first or not.

How to commit from console

To clone the repository:

  • git clone <url-project>

To create a new branch:

  • git checkout -b <branch_name>

To download the latest changes at the repo:

  • git pull
  • It's important to do this every time before start to code to avoid code incompatibility issues.

To make your changes available to everyone, you must commit your changes:

  • git add .
  • git commit -m "A short description of your changes"
  • It is recommended to commit every time you add/complete a new feature or function
  • Finally, to upload to github: git push

When working with some colleges, always keep a branch with stable code, usually named 'main' or 'master' branch and perform changes with parallel branchs named with their purpose.

  • When the parallel branch is finished and stable, the code can be merged into the main one with git request-pull
  • It is advisable to appoint one or two coordinators of the Git repo to review every pull request to the main branch.

Commit easier with IDEs

Organizing a repo and the commits, push and pull is usually integrated in the most common IDEs.

  • If you are using Rstudio and you followed the above steps to connect to Github, there should be a tab to control commits and the history.
  • VSCode has some useful extensions to work with repositories and keep track of the changes, like Gitlens extension .

Useful things for R notebooks

Project Organization

├──          <- The top-level README for developers using the project.
├── .gitignnore        <- File to exclude folders and files to commits into the Git respository
├── data
│   ├── interim        <- Intermediate data that has been transformed.
│   ├── processed      <- The final, canonical data sets for modeling.
│   └── raw            <- The original, immutable data dump. 
│                         *Important to not share private or sensible data. By default data commit is excluded in .gitignore.txt.
│                         *Recommended to have a backup data stored in local or cloud service!
├── docs               <- Any documentation about your analysis: Data dictionaries, manuals, references and all other explanatory materials.
│                         It can also be used as root directory for GitHub Pages to create a project website.
├── lib                <- Folder for any files that provide useful functionality for your work, but do not constitute a statistical analysis per se. 
│                         Specifically, you should use the lib/helpers.R script or utils.R for more pythonic approach to organize any small functions.
│                         Big blocks of functions for a specific topic could belong to a proper package or be stored in a .R script.
├── notebooks          <- Folder with final running scripts. Can be raw scripts, Jupyter or R notebooks. 
│                         Naming convention is a number (for ordering), the creator's initials, and a short `-` delimited description,
│                         e.g. `1.0-jqp-initial-data-exploration`.
├── profiling          <- Here you can store any scripts you use to benchmark and time your code.
├── reports            <- Generated analysis as HTML, PDF, LaTeX, etc.
│   ├── articles       <- In case articles or papers are submitted, the following subfolders can be used to keep track of changes: 
│   │                     a. Sent, b. Reviews and c. Proof (final print version submitted to journal).
│   ├── figures        <- Generated graphics and figures to be used in reporting.
│   └── tabular        <- Tabular outputs from scripts and analysis (.txt, .csv ... ) ready to be presented as supplemental info.
├── renv               <- R environment with private libraries that do not clash with central R managment. Useful to keep frozen-version R packages.
├── renv.lock          <- The requirements file for reproducing the local environment, from renv package.
├── R.project          <- R project root.
├── src                <- Source code (custom functions) for use in this project.
│   ├── data           <- Scripts to download or generate data.
│   │   └── 
│   ├── diagnostics    <- Here you can store any scripts you use to diagnose your data sets for corruption or problematic data points.
│   │   └──	
│   ├── processing     <- Scripts to process and transform data.
│   │   └──
│   └── analysis       <- Scripts to create exploratory analysis and visualizations.
│       └── 
└── tests              <- Here you can store any test cases for the functions you’ve written. Your test files should use testthat style tests.

Project based on a simpler renv adaptation of the Python version cookiecutter data science project template & Rproject Template


Template R Projects with virtual enviroment from renv package






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