This is a website for Butler-Miles: a local buying-and-selling business dealing in antiques, art, militaria and vintage items. This site showcases the various types of items the business deals with but does not facilitate online transactions. Instead, it provides information and contact details for potential buyers or sellers interested in engaging with the business.
- Showcases categories of items that Butler-Miles buys and sells.
- Contact form for inquiries from potential buyers or sellers.
- Responsive design using Bootstrap, ensuring the site is accessible on various devices.
- HTML: Structure of the web pages.
- CSS: Styling of the web content.
- JavaScript: Interactive elements.
- Bootstrap: Responsive design framework.
- SASS: CSS preprocessor for more efficient styling.
- Eleventy (11ty): Static site generator used for building the website.
- Nunjucks: Templating engine used with Eleventy for dynamic content rendering.
- Concurrently: Utility used to run multiple npm commands concurrently during development.
- Node.js and npm installed on your machine.
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd butler-miles_website
Install the dependencies:
npm install
To run the website locally and see your changes in real-time, execute:
npm run dev
This command compiles the SASS files and runs Eleventy's development server, which watches for changes to your files and automatically refreshes the browser.
This project is not currently under any specific open source license.
- Robert McIsaac (
Special thanks to all the open-source tools and libraries that made this project possible.