I'm a Computer Science student at Kennesaw State University, passionate about software development, machine learning, and building innovative projects. I love coding in multiple languages and enjoy contributing to both academic and personal projects.
- Java, Python, C#, C++, SQL, JavaScript, TypeScript, Go
- React, Node.js, Express, JavaFX, Swing, OpenGL
- pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, PyTorch
Developer Tools:
- Neovim, Git, VS Code, Visual Studio, PyCharm, IntelliJ, Postman
- Compiler design in Go
- Advanced algorithms and data structures
- AI & machine learning techniques
- Email: [email protected]
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/robertlmccrary
- GitHub: github.com/RobertLMcCrary
Feel free to check out my repositories, open issues, or collaborate with me on projects!