cylindr computes a cylindrical pair correlation function (CDF) from an MD simulation, this is a useful tool for identifying and visualising pairing modes in (polar) anisotropic fluids.
cylindr looks for neighbouring molecules (or particles) in cylindrical shells by their centre-of-mass. Following this, neighbour distances are binned into a 2d histogram which is normalised against the volume of the cylindrical shells and also the average number of neighbours. This returns a the CDF plot, as shown below. Trajectory and topology reading is performed using MDtraj, enabling the use of cylindr with a number of different MD engines (tested with Gromacs 2019.2).
The default behaviour is for the length of the cylinder to be oriented along the vector describing the average orientation of the molecules/particles (the director), however the user can supply any 3-vector (via the -ori user and -vec command line option) for orientation of the cylinder length. The cut off length (-L) and radius (-R) can be varied, as can the resolution (-res).
cylindr optionally saves intermolecular distances for each frame in the trajectory as a compressed .npz file; a companion tool - is provided for accessing this data. The user supplies a lower and upper limits for length (-L) and radius (-R) cut offs to, which returns the frame number and residue indices of any pairs of molecules that satisfy these distance constraints. This permits visualisation of pairs, but also lifetime studies and so on.
MDtraj (tested on 1.98)
numpy (tested using 1.22)
Matplotlib (tested using 3.5.1)
some MD data (tested using Gromacs .trr and .gro files)
-traj (required): trajectory file to be read by cylindr
-top (required): topology information for -traj
-O (required): output file name
-mode (optional): choose between inter-COM distances (default) or COM-selection distances (-mode=hybrid); hybrid requires a valid selection for SEL to be specified with -sel flag.
-sel (optional): selection mode; choose between molecular com (centre-of-mass), atom name (name) or element type (element)
-selname (reqd. if -sel=name): used when -sel=name; pass atom names as string (e.g. Co1, Mn0 etc.)
-selelement (reqd. if -sel=element): used when -sel=element; pass element names for selections as a string (e.g. H, C, Li).
-L (optional; default=40 Å): cylindrical shell length cutoff in Å.
-R (optional; default=40 Å): cylindrical shell radial cutoff in Å.
-b (optional): first frame of -traj to read, default is 0.
-e (optional): final frame of -traj to read, default is end.
-res (optional; default = 4): spatial resolutuon in steps-per-angstrom.
-ori (optional): orientation of cylinder length along nematic director (nem, default); perpendicular to director (perp1, perp2) or along user supplied vector (user, requires -vec)
-vec (optional): 3vector for cylinder orientation; default is to orient along simulation principal orientation axis.
-save (optional; default = no): save intermolecular distances as a .npz file for later reading by
-log (optional; default = no): Use log scale in CDF plot.
-min (optional; default = 0): Specify minimum value used in CDF plot.
-max (optional): Specify maximum value used in CDF plot; default is to determine automatically.
- python -traj traj.trr -top conf.gro - vanilla; computes the CDF with all default options
- python -traj traj.trr -top conf.gro -res 2 - uses a resolution of 2 shells per angstrom (default = 4)
- python -O foo-traj traj.trr -top conf.gro -R 60 - saves output.npz as 'foo' and uses a radial cutoff of 60 angstroms.
- python -traj traj.trr -top conf.gro -L 20 -b 10000 - uses a length cutoff of 20 ansgtroms and starts from frame 10000
- python -traj traj.trr -top conf.gro -e 2500 -ori user -vec 0,1,1 - stop at frame 2500 and orient the cylinder length along 0,1,1
- python -traj traj.trr -top conf.gro -sel name -selname F1 - Only atoms whose name is F1 are used in the CDF analysis
- python -sel element -selelement H - Selects by element, in this case hydrogen
- python -mode hybrid -sel name -selname O6 - hybrid mode - computes distance between COM of each molecule in turn and all atoms of name "O6". can use -sel element and -selelement in hybrid mode also.
plotting and output
- python -traj traj.trr -top conf.gro -min 1 -max 5 - -min and -max set the minimum and maximum values of the colormap in the CDF plot
- python -traj traj.xtc -top conf.gro -log yes - use a log normalised colormap in the CDF plot
- python -traj dump.traj -top conf.gro -save yes - -save yes dumps distance matrix data as a .npz file, can be read by to return pair indicies over a specified length range for visualisation/lifetime anlysis
- python -i foo -L 20,21.2 -R 6,6.5 - return pair indicies in the length range 20 to 21 angstrom, radius range 6 to 6.5 angstrom.
- python -i foo -L -7,-6 -R 5,6, -o foo2 - return pair indicies in the length range -7 to -6 angstrom, radius range 5 to 6 angstrom, save output as foo2
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