This little program is just something I wanted to create to test my knowledge with SQL and C++, which are two languages I love. And connecting both were super awesome. The program is like an inventory software that uses cars as an example of products! Hope you like it.
First you need to create an admin user in MariaDB
CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS 'admin'@'localhost'
Give it privileges
ON car_system.*
TO 'admin'@'localhost';
Then you need to run the "setup.sql" inside of your MariaDB server.
source /path/to/setup.sql
After that compile the source code:
g++ -o car_system car_system.cpp -std=c++11 -lmariadbcpp
When running the program you have five functions:
- Register client
- Make an order
- Register a new car
- Print inventory
- Print orders
In the directory run the script without parameters to print this message.
To register a client just add the parameters:
./car_system Register name surname address cpf phone
Make an order:
./car_system makeOrder brand model kilometers year name surname cpf
Register a new car:
./car_system addCar brand model kilometers years name surname cpf
Print Inventory:
./car_system printInventory
Print orders:
./car_system printOrders