M5Stack Cardputer Virtual REPL
Starting with CircuitPython 9.1.0-beta.1, this functionality has been merged into the CircuitPython core and this software should not be used. PyDOS now fully supports the Cardputer as well.
Copying code.py and the /lib/ folder from this repository to the M5Stack Cardputer will present a virtual REPL on the device keyboard when it boots. Using the FN key there are up/down/left/right keys for accessing the command line history and edit functions.
In order to enable Cardputer keyboard input in python scripts add the following block of code to the import section of your code:
from cardputer_repl import input
The Virtual REPL will treat a file named virtcode.py in the root directory ('/') the way the native REPL treats a code.py file, that is it will be executed within the Virtual REPL when the Microcontroller is powered up or reset. When the virtcode.py program exits the Virtual REPL will take over control.