This is a project I've been working on as I learn Java.
It takes an image and some code ( or any text for that matter ) and redraws the image using the text.
This project was initially inspired by this blog post: and it took some early design inspiration from there. However I have come up with my own way of generating these posters.
I've tried to avoid using external dependencies for the actual image drawing, however JCommander is used for parsing the command line params.
- Currently I don't enforce image sizes, but you should limit the input image to a max resolution of 500x500 px.
- The larger the output, the longer the program will take. The default output size takes roughly 8s to run on my macbook pro.
- The program will automatically pad the input text if its not long enough to cover the image.
- The program uses the font 'Source Code Pro' and required this to be installed on the system to work.
This was generated with the java files from this project.
Usage: <main class> [options]
* -code
Path to input code file or directory.
Only files with this extension will be loaded when providing an input
Default: <empty string>
Comment characters to look for to strip from code
Default: <empty string>
Final width of the poster
Default: 4050
* -image
Required - Path to input image.
Path / Filename for the output file. Default is ./poster.png
Default: ./poster.png
File format of outputted poster. Options are: PNG, JPG.
Default: PNG
Final width of the poster/
Default: 3150