Analyze gene expression matrix data within a well-constructed pipeline, integrating differential enpression analysis, enrichment analysis and gene correlation analysis into a single command
is an R package that implements a pipeline, which integrates
gene differential expression analysis, gene enrichment analysis and gene
correlation analysis together for the analysis of gene expression matrix
data and visualization of the results of each analysis in the pipeline.
The whole analysis pipeline can be executed in a single command
The pipeline of the package is basically: Gene expression matrix data → Gene differential expression analysis → Select genes that are differentially expressed → Enrichment analysis for those differentially expressed genes, correlation analysis would also be applied on Gene expression matrix data. Apart from that, for each analysis, visualizations of results are generated.
The biological data analyzed by GEAnaly would be the gene expression data (usually generated from RNA-sequencing experiments), which are the expression matrix of genes in different samples, and the table that records the information about the experimental samples (like sample names and if they are controlled sample or treated sample). In the expression matrix file, the names of rows are gene names, and the names of columns are sample names. The expression matrix file records the estimated count of sequencing reads of each gene (un-normalized counts).
Currently, performing a complete bioinformatics pipeline to analyze gene
expression matrix data requires programming skills and experience on
processing data. However, it is hard for biologists to learn programming
in a short period of time. Therefore, GEAnaly aims to make the analysis
of gene expression data as easy as possible without adjusting file
formats between different analysis. Also, this package provides a very
simplified data analysis experience for biologists with no programming
experiences, eliminating the manual construction of the workflow. In
addition, users can use very simple commands to visualize the analysis
results, once again simplifying the analysis process, and improving
analysis efficiency. The GEAnaly
package was developed using
R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16)
Platform: aarch64-apple-darwin20 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Sonoma 14.1
To install the latest version of the package:
devtools::install_github("ReaganGen/GEAnaly", build_vignettes = TRUE)
To run the Shiny app:
# To list all available functions and datasets in the package, use command:
# To list all example datasets available in the package:
data(package = "GEAnaly")
# To see the tutorial of GEAnaly
contains 12 functions:
runGEAnaly: Execute the differential expression analysis and enrichment analysis and their visualizations in a single call of a function.
runGEAnalyCor: Execute the gene correlation analysis and its visualization in a single call of a function.
diffExpressionAnalysis: Perform differential expression analysis on gene expression matrix data.
corrAnalysis: Perform gene expression correlation analysis on gene expression matrix data.
extractSignificantGene: Filter out the genes that have significantly different expression levels in different samples based on the threshold provided and the results of differential expression analysis.
labelGenes: Label genes with “UP”, “DOWN” and “NOCHANGE” according to the pValue and foldChange thresholds provided.
enrichAnalysis: Perform genes’ functional enrichment analysis, which is the procedure of identifying functions that are over- or under-represented among a set of genes.
visDeAnaly: Generate a volcano plot for the differential expression analysis result.
visCorrelationAnaly: Generate a heatmap plot for the gene correlation analysis result.
visEnrichAnaly: Generate a Manhattan plot for the enrichment analysis result.
visEnrichAnalyLollipop: Generate a Lollipop plot for the enrichment analysis result (show the top 10 biological pathways with top 10 highest gene ratio values).
runGEAnalyShiny: Launches the Shiny app for GEAnaly. The purpose of this app is providing a shiny app page with user-friendly UI that assists users without programming experience to perform the analyses easily and efficiently.
The package also contains 8 datasets.
# use the following command to list all example datasets available in the package:
data(package = "GEAnaly")
# Use ? to check details of the data.
Refer to package vignettes for more details. An overview of the package is illustrated below:
The author of the package is Gen Li. The author defined all functions
used in the package, including runGEAnaly
, diffExpressionAnalysis
, extractSignificantGene
, labelGenes
, visDeAnaly
, visCorrelationAnaly
, visEnrichAnaly
and visEnrichAnalyLollipop
. The main contribution of the author was
integrate multiple analyses into a single function and develope the
shiny app. Apart from that, the author also developed various
visualization functions for different visualization choices.
The author defined runGEAnaly
to integrate differential expression
analysis and enrichment analysis and their visualizations into a quick
single call of a function. The runGEAnalyShiny
used runApp
from package shiny
to lauch the shiny app. Also, the author defined
to integrate correlation analysis and its visualization
into a single call of the function. Apart from that,
used functions DESeqDataSetFromMatrix
and results
from the package DESeq2
as the core for the
differential expression analysis. The function extractSignificantGene
applied the filter
function from package dplyr
to select genes with
significant differences in expression levels in different samples. The
function labelGenes
used mutate
function from package dplyr
filter and label genes. Furthermore, the function enrichAnalysis
the gost
function from the package gprofiler2
to implement the
enrichment analysis. In addition, the function for correlation analysis,
which is corrAnalysis
, used the cor
function from the package
to calculate the correlation coefficient between pairs of genes.
The functions for visualizations (visDeAnaly
, visCorrelationAnaly
, visEnrichAnalyLollipop
), all used package ggplot2
to create comprehensible figures. Specifically, visCorrelationAnaly
made use of package pheatmap
and grDevices
to plot the visualization
for the correlation analysis. Also, function visEnrichAnaly
to assist in plotting of the Manhattan plot for
the enrichment analysis, and used htmlwidgets
to save the interactive
version of the plot. Generative AI tool was never used during the
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This package was developed as part of an assessment for 2023 BCB410H: Applied Bioinformatics course at the University of Toronto, Toronto, CANADA. GEAnaly welcomes issues, enhancement requests, and other contributions. To submit an issue, use the GitHub issues.