Discord bot for warmane armory
Based on https://realpython.com/how-to-make-a-discord-bot-python/
This bot is kinda simple and can be used to check if a char status such as:
- Professions
- Missing enchant/gem
- Average Item Level
- Theorical max dps reachable with based on your current average item level, not very reliable, more for fun and check how you're doing
You can also use it to check a guild status such as:
- Faction
- Number of members
- PVE Points (Warmane related)
# create virtualenv
virtualenv -p python3 venv
# start venv
. venv/bin/activate
# install reqs
pip3 install -r reqs.txt
# start bot
python3 bot.py
$$help - Show help
$$charsum [charName] [server](default to Icecrown)
$$charsumfull [charName] [server](default to Icecrown)
$$guildsum [guildName] [server](default to Icecrown)