This back-end API, nc-news, is the product of a one week solo project undertaken as part of the Northcoders (hence Northcoders-news) bootcamp.
The API will serve up various news content, related comments and user driven content such as upvotes. It was designed with RESTful principles in mind, built using Express, Node Postgres and Jest for the test suite. The API will allow users to:
- A list of all end-points (
- A list of all topics
- A list of all articles
- Any article by article id
- A list of all users
- A list of comments by article id
- Update upvotes on article for a given article id
- Post a comment on a given article by article id
- Post a comment on a given article by article id
The API will support a front end app that will also be undertaken as part of the Northcoders Bootcamp.
In order to correctly set the PGDATABASE depending on which environment and hence script you choose to run (test/ development), you first must set-up some environmental variables locally by creating two new .env files (which will have been/ will continue to be gitignored whenever this repo is pushed/ pulled).
This will allow the correct PG database to be established on your local machine:
.env.development //file created in the root of be-nc-news with the following script:
.env.test // file created in the root of be-nc-news with the following script:
Before running the project locally please ensure that you are running at least node v16.15.
Before running the project locally please ensure that you are running at least postgres v14.4.
To run the project locally, please follow the steps outlined below:
- Move to a local directory where you wish the repo to be rooted using the CL.
- On the CL run:
git clone
- On the CL run:
cd be-nc-news
, this should default to the main branch. - On the CL run:
npm i
to install all node dependencies. - To set up the databases run:
npm setup-dbs
. You only need to do this once. - To seed the database run:
npm seed
. This will allow you to run all tests - To run test suite run
npm test
Note: this is a still a live project. You can think of the app as
still under construction
, with other features still to be added!
URL front-end app:
Git Repo front-end:
Resources for the back-end:
URL back-end API:
Git Repo back-end: