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This page is dedicated to gather interesting and funny moments related to the bots.
<cuonglm> most standard unix tools will honor it
<cuonglm>echo 1 | grep 1 0<&-
<cuonglm> give you
<cuonglm> grep:(standard input): Bad file descriptor
<greppable6> cuonglm, Found nothing!
<cuonglm> greppable6: what do you mean?
<greppable6> cuonglm, https://gist.github.com/9c4b7bd93581c2ac71dc27b79a54687b
<Bowlslaw> does perl have a 'flag' reading function, like opt()? so if i call my script with a cmd line argument and a flag?
<yoleaux> 29 Mar 2018 23:03Z <Zoffix> Bowlslaw: well, first$dbh.prepare("select price from $table")
is an unsafe statement. You need to quote $table properly. I don't use DBIish, but there should be some method to quote stuff (placeholders might work too). As for the sum,my $total = $sth.allrows».head.sum
<Bowlslaw> ???
<evalable6> Bowlslaw, rakudo-moar 20495f097: OUTPUT: «Stub code executed in block at /tmp/o68Dey4P6L line 1»
<Bowlslaw> ahh what's happening
try this: my $p = Proc::Async.new: ‘less’, :w; start { sleep 2; await $p.put: ‘hello world’; $p.close-stdin }; react { whenever $p.start { say ‘pager closed’ } }
<evalable6> AlexDaniel, rakudo-moar 9e6ae276a: OUTPUT: «hello worldpager closed»
<AlexDaniel> oh lol evalable6
<AlexDaniel> I added “try this:” on purpose thinking it will not compile :D
<yy6p6> hi
<yy6p6> how can I generate an executable for a file?
<yy6p6> I want a jar
<yy6p6> I use
<yy6p6>./perl6-j --target=jar --output="hello.jar" hello.p6
<yy6p6> in hello.p6 i have
<yy6p6>sub MAIN(){ say "hi"; }
<evalable6> yy6p6, rakudo-moar ec0422e75: OUTPUT: «hi»
<mst> note: this channel was accessible only to diakopter so I've stolen ownership of it and given Zoffix and jnthn basic chanserv permissions
<notable6> mst, Noted!
sleep &
<evalable6> jnthn, rakudo-moar 847d3d60b: OUTPUT: «Use of uninitialized value of type Callable in numeric context in block <unit> at /tmp/I…
<evalable6> jnthn, Full output: https://gist.github.com/28764fb6d98cc9d1e059e2d7205ac3b5
*** squashable6 has quit: Remote host closed the connection
<jmerelo> Well, and Squashable just bailed out on us...
*** squashable6 has joined channel #perl6
<AlexDaniel> squashable6: when will you stop doing that?
<squashable6> AlexDaniel, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: https://github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Squashable
<AlexDaniel> squashable6: when?
<squashable6> AlexDaniel, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: https://github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Squashable
<AlexDaniel> WHEN
<AlexDaniel> squashable6: when
<squashable6> AlexDaniel, Next SQUASHathon in 20 days and ≈23 hours (2018-07-07 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See https://github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Monthly-Bug-Squash-Day
<AlexDaniel> :S
<squashable6> 🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by jkramer++! ♥
<jkramer> squashable6: Lies! I contributed plenty of (tiny) doc fixes
<squashable6> jkramer, ALRIGHT, LET'S DO IT!!!
<jkramer> :D
<samcv> notable6: https://cry.nu/perl6/adding-and-improving-file-encoding-support-in-moarvm/
<notable6> samcv, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: https://github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Notable
<samcv> notable6: please note https://cry.nu/perl6/adding-and-improving-file-encoding-support-in-moarvm/
<notable6> samcv, Noted!<AlexDaniel> weekly: https://cry.nu/perl6/adding-and-improving-file-encoding-support-in-moarvm/
<notable6> AlexDaniel, Noted!
<AlexDaniel> notable6: reset please
<notable6> AlexDaniel, Moved existing notes to “please_2018-09-26T21:53:16Z”
This happened to evalbot:
<user> just fyi: #foobarbaz was playing around with camelia and found out how to execute commands, I send the following command to it to shut it down to prevent anyone from actually causing any harm:
qqx|chmod 0000 evalbot;kill `ps -o ppid= $*PID`|
<SmokeMachine> jmerelo: I'm still doing it... but do you think it should be something like this? https://github.com/FCO/Red/labels/Documentation
<tellable6> SmokeMachine, I'll pass your message to jmerelo
<SmokeMachine> thanks tellable6!
<tellable6> SmokeMachine, It's my pleasure!
16:30:01 <Ven_de_Thiel> m: (sink do while True { say "Infinite loop?" }; say "Nope. Doesnt do the while!") # what wizardry is this?
16:32:48 *** evalable6 has quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds
16:36:56 <Ven_de_Thiel> sorry :-(
One day later…
18:33:26 <evalable6> Ven_de_Thiel, No! It wasn't me! It was the one-armed man! Backtrace: https://gist.github.com/6dd61599680f2b9e454173c856308b40
18:36:36 <jnthn> 24 hour response time... :D
18:37:25 <Ven_de_Thiel> evalable6: thank you for your service.
18:37:25 <evalable6> Ven_de_Thiel, \o/
<haxmeister> squashable6: a bot or person?
<squashable6> haxmeister, ALRIGHT, LET'S DO IT!!!
<haxmeister> I C
Instead of doing the job, notable6 decided that somebody is trying to thank them:
<AlexDaniel> weekly: Thanks to unclechu++ for a reminder, there's now a configured Matrix community for Raku: +raku:matrix.org . Feel free to join it (let AlexDaniel know if you need an invite)
<notable6> AlexDaniel, You're welcome!
<MasterDuke> from a profile of the no proto version: 5174 call frames were entered and exited by the profiled code. Inlining eliminated the need to create 10996665 call frames (that's 99.95%).
<linkable6> (2017-08-06) https://github.com/rgmcrary/Train-Scheduler/commit/109966659e Finalize
01:03:12 <MasterDuke> is afff3b0b2ed78b2f146eca63f7e34d4472b3982e supposed to be the rakudo commit?
01:03:13 <linkable6> (2020-04-06) https://github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/afff3b0b2e Make sure die_on_fail shows correct env variable name
01:04:49 <MasterDuke> heh, never mind, i was a couple commits behind
<guifa2> abraxxa: unfortunately for language detection it's only a semi-useful proxy, especially in some of the newer methods that try to nail things down over only a few words of text. Use one Japanese character in an emoticon and suddenly it assumses it's all in Japanese lol
<tellable6> guifa2, I'll pass your message to abraxxa
<guifa2> tellable6: ty
<tellable6> guifa2, I haven't seen ty around, did you mean tyil?
<guifa2> ... lol
<AlexDaniel> xD
<AlexDaniel> I guess it's not smart enough
<AlexDaniel> but thank you anyway, tellable6
<tellable6> AlexDaniel, It's my pleasure!