This is a virtual assistance designed to made our daily work simple as setting alarm, chech internet connection ok or not etc etc...
Libraries Used:-
Gtts:- Google Text-To Speech Recognisation Module Fetched From gtts API TO INSTALL- pip install Gtts USED TO- converting text to speech file and storing to object file
SpeechRecognition:- TO INSTALL- pip install SpeechRecognition ` USED TO- Record audio with the help of mic and with the help of google convert the audio into text
Playsound:- TO INSTALL- pip install playsound USED TO- Play all MP3 files saved
Os:- TO INSTALL- Already in your system, no need to install again USED TO- Play/Start Some already installed app of your system or delete some file of the system.
Re.:- TO INSTALL- pip install re USED TO- Open a given url or search on the default web 6 . Webbrowser:- TO INSTALL- webbrowser is part of the python standard library, you don't have to install a separate package to use it because it comes bundled with your python installation. USED TO- Open a given url or search on the default web
Requests:- TO INSTALL- pip install requests USED TO- Get some information from an url which is required to our job
Datetime:- TO INSTALL- pip install DateTime USED TO- Get current date or time at any moment of time
Speedtest:- TO INSTALL- pip install speedtest-cli USED TO- Test connectivity speed of the internet connection of the system
Geocoder:- TO INSTALL- pip install geocoder USED TO- Get the current location of the system
Urllib:- TO INSTALL- pip install urllib3 USED TO- Open a particular url for a fixed interval of time to check that system is connected to internet or not
JSON (JSON- JavaScript Object Notation) TO INSTALL- Get data using request module USED TO- JSON is often used when data is sent from a server to a web page.
Pywhatkit:- TO INSTALL- pip install pywhatkit USED TO- used to send Whats-App message, play a YouTube video etc.
Pyautogui:- TO INSTALL- pip install PyAutoGUI USED TO- It control the master volume, mouse and keyboard, and other GUI automation tasks.
Winsound:- TO INSTALL- Also come already installed USED TO- The winsound module provides access to the basic sound-playing machinery provided by Windows platforms.