This repository provides two use cases for infrastructure asset management using information containers according to the Information Container for linked Document Delivery standard (ISO 25197). Use Case 1 demonstrates the data preparation and result collection of bridge visual inspection with requirement- and delivery container. Use Case 2 demonstrates the pavement maintenance plan based on the existing condition data. Therefore, an additional connection to a relational database in the information container is provided in Use Case 2, which is registered within the container using an extension EXDOC:Extension for document types for the ISO 21597 ICDD Part 1 Container ontology.
The two use cases are described in the Paper “BIM-Enabled Infrastructure Asset Management Using Information Containers and Semantic Web” by Hagedorn et al. (2022), submitted and under review.
- Use Case 1: Visual bridge inspection
- ER1_Requirement_Container
- ER2_Delivery_Container
- Use Case 2: Road pavement maintenance plan
- Maintenance_Container
- RIDatabase SQL dump
- Maintenance_Container_SPARQL
Philipp Hagedorn
[email protected], Ruhr University Bochum
Liu Liu
[email protected], Ruhr University Bochum
The authors gratefully acknowledge CEDR (Conference of European Directors of Roads) and FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency) for funding this research; We would like to thank the consortium of the projects AMSFree and BIM4AMS for their collaboration in the research of BIM-based asset management concepts for roads and bridges.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.