Releases: RTLSponge/TranslateWithBing
v1.2.0 For SpongeAPI 4.1.0
Adds a config option SendWarningOnJoin = true which lets you disable whether users are alerted to the fact that machine translation is being used.
Bumped SpongeAPI to version 4.1.0
Updated to work on SpongeAPI 4.x
Added a command to reload the config, now tells user the error if an error occurred while setting their language.
Screw DroneVer I've already taken that joke too far.
Fixed a case where TranslateWithBing was ignoring the language override set by a user.
DroneVer: v1.testy.2.0.Prosing.1453703212.7
Quick release to fix missing dependencies. Should now work without the simple json / com.memetix translation library.
DroneVer: v.1.relief.0.0.Magdala.1453695070.7
First Release
This is the first release of TranslateWithBing. You know it's good, cause it's 1.0. ONE!
DroneVer: v.1.happy.0.0.Loricate.1453090904.7