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Running the tasks locally

Dan Brady edited this page Apr 5, 2024 · 4 revisions

Running the tasks locally

If you would like to run the tasks on a device (e.g. tablet, laptop, desktop) that is not connected to the internet you can acheive this by following the steps below:

  1. Download the repository onto the device in question.

    • You can download the repository as a zip file using this link.
    • If you can't download it directly onto the device in question it can be transferred however you like (e.g. USB stick, Bluetooth, etc.), just be sure that the files end up on the device in an un-zipped format.
  2. Once the files are on the device you can test that the tasks are working by opening the runLocally.html file in a web browser.

    • This should happen automatically when you try and open the file, but the specifics willl vary from device to device.
  3. If the tasks are working correctly then you can modify the config options to specify exactly how you want them to run.

    • Generally it is a good idea to keep an unchanged primary version of the task, make copies for each variant you wish to run (renaming the directory containing all the files accordingly, e.g. jacobs-tasks-main to jacobs-tasks-2consolidatation), and then edit the config files of these copies. This will minimise the chance that you run the wrong set of tasks at any particular time.

Saving data locally

WHen running the tasks locally they will create a csv file of the data at the end of the last task, and this will be downloaded to the device.
The file should end up in the Downloads directory of the device in question, but, again, this will differ slightly between devices. Typically, the filename will be the Participant ID followed by the date and time the experiment was run (e.g. if the particiant ID is P001 and the tasks were run at 15:21:00 02/04/2024 then the filename will be P001_2024-04-02T152100.csv).

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