A few moments ago I was mentored by Digit Oktavianto about Cyber Threat Methods, on that opportunity I was told about Google Dorking. He inspired me to create a tools that can automatically check web vulnerabilities by leveraging the Google Hacking Database from Exploit-DB. This tools also can be used as early warning system for system security based on update information from Google Hacking Database [Exploid-DB]. Once again I am very grateful about sharing experiences together.
After processing using Elastic and Kibana
The techniques used in this tool are as follows:
- Crawling Google Hacking Database from Exploit-DB
- Using crawling results and combines with the target domain to become a search keyword
- Crawling Google Result based on keyword using Barbarossa
- Display results on screen or save to file
- Python > 3.6
- I try this tools in Windows OS.
git clone https://github.com/nalonal/ghdb.git
cd ghdb
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the python script
python ghdb.py
open Facebook Developers Tools in browser and press Ctrl+i or Ctrl+Shift+i Open file cookie.txt and paste Facebook Developers Tools Cookie to string text paste_here_without_enter
Run again python script
python ghdb.py
After update cookie success then system will update GHDB and produce ghdb.txt it will take about 1-2 minute
Running help
python ghdb.py -h
Running GHDB but just print screen the result
ghdb.py -d <domain or list domain separate using ',' or you can use file with .txt extension>
example: ghdb.py -d example.com
example: ghdb.py -d example1.com,example2.com
example: ghdb.py -d mylistdomain.txt
Running GHDB and save the result to file
ghdb.py -d <domain or list domain separate using ',' or you can use file with .txt extension> -o <outputfile>
example: ghdb.py -d example.com -o result.txt
example: ghdb.py -d example1.com,example2.com -o result.txt
example: ghdb.py -d mylistdomain.txt -o result.txt
Running help
python sqli.py -h
Running GHDB but just print screen the result
sqli.py -d <domain or list domain separate using ',' or you can use file with .txt extension>
example: sqli.py -d example.com
example: sqli.py -d example1.com,example2.com
example: sqli.py -d mylistdomain.txt
Running GHDB and save the result to file
sqli.py -d <domain or list domain separate using ',' or you can use file with .txt extension> -o <outputfile>
example: sqli.py -d example.com -o result.txt
example: sqli.py -d example1.com,example2.com -o result.txt
example: sqli.py -d mylistdomain.txt -o result.txt
This script is used as an early warning system based on updating information from the Google Hacking Database [Exploit-DB]. Please use it as wisely as possible