Everblush A Dark, Vibrant and Beatiful colorscheme for your desktop About Everblush is colorscheme like the others in the programmer / ricer's community. But with beautiful syntax highlighting and colors. Colors Preview Variable Hex RGB Background #141b1e rgb(20, 27, 30) Lighter Background #232a2d rgb(35, 42, 45) Red #e57474 rgb(229, 116, 116) Green #8ccf7e rgb(140, 207, 126) Yellow #e5c76b rgb(229, 199, 107) Blue #67b0e8 rgb(103, 176, 232) Magenta #c47fd5 rgb(196, 127, 213) Cyan #6cbfbf rgb(108, 191, 191) Light Gray #b3b9b8 rgb(179, 185, 184) White - Foreground #dadada rgb(218, 218, 218) Ports Editors Vim Neovim VsCode Sublime Text Obsidian - (markdown editor) Doom Emacs Emacs Lite-XL Terminal Emulators Gnome-Terminal Tym Kitty Alacritty Xfce4-Terminal Xresource Termux Foot iTerm2 GTK GTK Chat Apps Discord Telegram Miscellaneous Bat Fzf Zathura Rofi Spotify Browsers Qutebrowser Wallpaper Wallpapers Contribution