Qube is an open-source blockchain protocol hosting a vibrant ecosystem of algorithmic, programmable stablecoins and decentralized applications (dApps). Using CometBFT consensus and integrated semi-permissioned CosmWasm for better developer experience, the Qube Ledger sets itself apart as one of the world's fastest blockchains, offering users an unmatched DeFi experience. By embracing a permissionless and borderless economic framework, Qube opens the gateway to next-generation financial products, making them accessible to anyone with an Internet connection.
- core - Qube Chain core
- tesseract - Dev tooling for cosmwasm contracts (fork of osmosis/beaker)
- converter - Contract to swap CW20 tokens for ERC20 and vice versa
- oracle-querier - Contract to get the price from x/oracle
- explorer - Qube Chain Explorer (fork of ping.pub)