This application provides a showcase for the BC Wallet to illustrate the use cases for verifiable credentials. This application will take users through multiple steps to demonstrate how verifiable credentials are issued and verified using the BC Wallet.
Copy the files server/.env.example and client/.env.example to server/.env and client/.env
Edit the .env files to match your project needs
These steps assume you have nvm, yarn and indy-sdk installed before running. Instructions for installing indy-sdk can be found here:
These steps are executed from the root folder of the project:
nvm install v16.8.0
nvm use
yarn install
yarn dev
The application will now be running at http://localhost:3000
These steps assume that you have docker installed
These steps are executed from the root folder of the project:
Build the client:
docker build -t bc-wallet-demo-client . -f DockerfileClient
Build the server:
docker build -t bc-wallet-demo-server . -f DockerfileServer
Start the server:
docker run --name bc-wallet-demo-server -p5000:5000 -p5001:5001 --env-file server/.env bc-wallet-demo-server
Start the client:
docker run --name bc-wallet-demo-client -p3000:3000 --env-file client/.env bc-wallet-demo-client
The application will now be running at http://localhost:3000
Pull requests are always welcome!
Please see the Contributions Guide for the repo.
Before contributing please run npm run lint
and fix any linter warnings in your code contribution.
You may also create an issue if you would like to suggest additional resources to include in this repository.
All contrbutions to this repository should adhere to our Code of Conduct.