If you are planning to use TBLIS with TensorOperations.jl a more convenient option might be the BliContractor.jl package. Julia wrapper for TBLIS tensor contraction library.
Currently only tensor addition and multiplication are implemented.
pkg>add TBLIS
Due to an issue with
, TBLIS is not working on MAC.
using TBLIS
TT = Float32
O = 10
V = 50
_A = rand(TT,O,O,O,O)
_B = rand(TT,O,O,V,V)
_C = zeros(TT,O,O,V,V)
Arrays must be converted to TTensor objects.
A = TBLIS.TTensor(_A)
B = TBLIS.TTensor(_B)
C = TBLIS.TTensor(_C)
This object only creates a pointer to the original data.
julia> A.data === _A
For a general contraction, the syntax is
TBLIS.mul!(C, A, B, Aind, Bind, Cind)
, andCind
are strings following Einstein's notation. -
Addition is performing following
TBLIS.add!(A, B, Aind, Bind)
# C[i,j,a,b] += A[i,j,k,l]*B[k,l,a,b]
TBLIS.mul!(C, A, B, "ijkl", "klab", "ijab")
# B += A
TBLIS.add!(A, B, "ijkl", "ijkl")