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Roger-luo committed Jul 4, 2018
2 parents 5a6f9b3 + 9687b6f commit d14d244
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Showing 15 changed files with 217 additions and 183 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/
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use the following command to build locally.

> julia make.jl loacl
> julia make.jl local
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/make.jl
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"Tutorial" => Any[
"Manual" => Any[
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Binary file added docs/src/assets/figures/digit2.png
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Binary file added docs/src/assets/figures/digits012.png
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262 changes: 136 additions & 126 deletions docs/src/tutorial/
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# Grover Search and Inference
# Grover Search and Quantum Inference

## Grover Search

First, we construct the reflection block ``R(|\psi\rangle) = 2|\psi\rangle\langle\psi|-1``, given we know how to construct ``|\psi\rangle=A|0\rangle``.
Then it equivalent to construct $R(|\psi\rangle) = A(2|0\rangle\langle 0|-1)A^\dagger$
```@example Grover
using Yao
using Yao.Blocks
using Compat
using Compat.Test
using StatsBase
A way to construct oracle, e.g. inference_oracle([1,2,-3,5]) will
invert the sign when a qubit configuration matches: 1=>1, 2=>1, 3=>0, 5=>1.
function inference_oracle(locs::Vector{Int})
control(locs[1:end-1], abs(locs[end]) => (locs[end]>0 ? Z : chain(phase(π), Z)))
# Control-R(k) gate in block-A
A(i::Int, j::Int, k::Int) = control([i, ], j=>shift(2π/(1<<k)))
# block-B
B(n::Int, i::Int) = chain(i==j ? kron(i=>H) : A(j, i, j-i+1) for j = i:n)
QFT(n::Int) = chain(n, B(n, i) for i = 1:n)
# define QFT and IQFT block.
num_bit = 5
qft = QFT(num_bit)
iqft = adjoint(qft)

The basic building block - controled phase shift gate is defined as

1 & 0\\
0 & \exp\left(\frac{2\pi i}{2^k}\right)
In Yao, factory methods for blocks will be loaded lazily. For example, if you missed the total
number of qubits of `chain`, then it will return a function that requires an input of an integer.
So the following two statements are equivalent
```@example QFT
control([4, ], 1=>shift(-2π/(1<<4)))(5) == control(5, [4, ], 1=>shift(-2π/(1<<4)))
Both of then will return a `ControlBlock` instance. If you missed the total number of qubits. It is OK. Just go on, it will be filled when its possible.

Once you have construct a block, you can inspect its matrix using `mat` function.
Let's construct the circuit in dashed box A, and see the matrix of ``R_4`` gate
julia> a = A(4, 1, 4)(5)
Total: 5, DataType: Complex{Float64}
└─ 1=>Phase Shift Gate:-0.39269908169872414
function reflectblock(A::MatrixBlock{N}) where N
chain(N, A |> adjoint, inference_oracle(-collect(1:N)), A)
nbit = 12
A = repeat(nbit, H)
ref = reflectblock(A)
julia> mat(a.block)
2×2 Diagonal{Complex{Float64}}:
@testset "test reflect" begin
reg = rand_state(nbit)
ref_vec = apply!(zero_state(nbit), A) |> statevec
v0 = reg |> statevec
@test -2*(ref_vec'*v0)*ref_vec + v0 ≈ apply!(copy(reg), ref) |> statevec
Then we define the oracle and target state

Similarly, you can use `put` and `chain` to construct `PutBlock` (basic placement of a single gate) and `ChainBlock` (sequential application of `MatrixBlock`s) instances. `Yao.jl` view every component in a circuit as an `AbstractBlock`, these blocks can be integrated to perform higher level functionality.

You can check the result using classical `fft`
```@example QFT
# if you're using lastest julia, you need to add the fft package.
@static if VERSION >= v"0.7-"
using FFTW
```@example Grover
# first, construct the oracle with desired state in the range 100-105.
oracle!(reg::DefaultRegister) = (reg.state[100:105,:]*=-1; reg)
# transform it into a function block, so it can be put inside a `Sequential`.
fb_oracle = FunctionBlock{:Oracle}(reg->oracle!(reg))
ratio of components in a wavefunction that flip sign under oracle.
function prob_match_oracle(psi::DefaultRegister, oracle)
fliped_reg = apply!(register(ones(Complex128, 1<<nqubits(psi))), oracle)
match_mask = fliped_reg |> statevec |> real .< 0
using Compat.Test
@test chain(num_bit, qft, iqft) |> mat ≈ eye(2^num_bit)
# uniform state as initial state
psi0 = apply!(zero_state(nbit), A)
# define a register and get its vector representation
reg = rand_state(num_bit)
rv = reg |> statevec |> copy
# the number of grover steps that can make it reach first maximum overlap.
num_grover_step(prob::Real) = Int(round(pi/4/sqrt(prob)))-1
niter = num_grover_step(prob_match_oracle(psi0, fb_oracle))
# test fft
reg_qft = apply!(copy(reg) |>invorder!, qft)
kv = ifft(rv)*sqrt(length(rv))
@test reg_qft |> statevec ≈ kv
# test ifft
reg_iqft = apply!(copy(reg), iqft)
kv = fft(rv)/sqrt(length(rv))
@test reg_iqft |> statevec ≈ kv |> invorder
# construct the whole circuit
gb = sequence(sequence(fb_oracle, ref) for i = 1:niter);

QFT and IQFT are different from FFT and IFFT in three ways,
Now, let's start training
```@example Grover
for (i, blk) in enumerate(gb)
apply!(psi0, blk)
overlap = prob_match_oracle(psi0, fb_oracle)
println("step $i, overlap = $overlap")

1. they are different by a factor of ``\sqrt{2^n}`` with ``n`` the number of qubits.
2. the little end and big end will exchange after applying QFT or IQFT.
3. due to the convention, QFT is more related to IFFT rather than FFT.
The above is the standard Grover Search algorithm, it can find target state in $O(\sqrt N)$ time, with $N$ the size of an unordered database.
Similar algorithm can be used in more useful applications, like inference, i.e. get conditional probability distribution $p(x|y)$ given $p(x, y)$.

```@example Grover
function rand_circuit(nbit::Int, ngate::Int)
circuit = chain(nbit)
gate_list = [X, H, Ry(0.3), CNOT]
for i = 1:ngate
gate = rand(gate_list)
push!(circuit, put(nbit, (sample(1:nbit, nqubits(gate),replace=false)...,)=>gate))
A = rand_circuit(nbit, 200)
psi0 = apply!(zero_state(nbit), A)
# now we want to search the subspace with [1,3,5,8,9,11,12]
# fixed to 1 and [4,6] fixed to 0.
evidense = [1, 3, -4, 5, -6, 8, 9, 11, 12]
Doing Inference, psi is the initial state,
the target is to search target space with specific evidense.
e.g. evidense [1, -3, 6] means the [1, 3, 6]-th bits take value [1, 0, 1].
oracle_infer = inference_oracle(evidense)(nqubits(psi0))
niter = num_grover_step(prob_match_oracle(psi0, oracle_infer))
gb_infer = chain(nbit, chain(oracle_infer, reflectblock(A)) for i = 1:niter);

## Phase Estimation
Since we have QFT and IQFT blocks we can then use them to realize phase estimation circuit, what we want to realize is the following circuit
![phase estimation](../assets/figures/phaseest.png)
Now, let's start training
```@example Grover
for (i, blk) in enumerate(gb_infer)
apply!(psi0, blk)
p_target = prob_match_oracle(psi0, oracle_infer)
println("step $i, overlap^2 = $p_target")

In the following simulation, we use equivalent `QFTBlock` in the Yao.`Zoo` module rather than the above chain block,
it is faster than the above construction because it hides all the simulation details (yes, we are cheating :D) and get the equivalent output.
Here is an application, suppose we have constructed some digits and stored it in a wave vector.

```@example PhaseEstimation
using Yao
using Yao.Zoo
using Yao.Blocks
```@example Grover
using Yao.Intrinsics
function phase_estimation(reg1::DefaultRegister, reg2::DefaultRegister, U::GeneralMatrixGate{N}, nshot::Int=1) where {N}
M = nqubits(reg1)
iqft = QFTBlock{M}() |> adjoint
HGates = rollrepeat(M, H)
control_circuit = chain(M+N)
for i = 1:M
push!(control_circuit, control(M+N, (i,), (M+1:M+N...,)=>U))
if i != M
U = matrixgate(mat(U) * mat(U))
x1 = [0 1 0; 0 1 0; 0 1 0; 0 1 0; 0 1 0]
x2 = [1 1 1; 0 0 1; 1 1 1; 1 0 0; 1 1 1]
x0 = [1 1 1; 1 0 1; 1 0 1; 1 0 1; 1 1 1]
# calculation
# step1 apply hadamard gates.
apply!(reg1, HGates)
# join two registers
reg = join(reg1, reg2)
# using iqft to read out the phase
apply!(reg, sequence(control_circuit, focus(1:M...), iqft))
# measure the register (on focused bits), if the phase can be exactly represented by M qubits, only a single shot is needed.
res = measure(reg, nshot)
# inverse the bits in result due to the exchange of big and little ends, so that we can get the correct phase.
breflect.(M, res)./(1<<M), reg
nbit = 15
v = zeros(1<<nbit)
# they occur with different probabilities.
for (x, p) in [(x0, 0.7), (x1, 0.29), (x2,0.01)]
v[(x |> vec |> BitArray |> packbits)+1] = sqrt(p)
Here, `reg1` (``Q_{1-5}``) is used as the output space to store phase ϕ, and `reg2` (``Q_{6-8}``) is the input state which corresponds to an eigenvector of oracle matrix `U`.
The algorithm detials can be found [here](
Plot them, you will see these digits

In this function, `HGates` corresponds to circuit block in dashed box `A`, `control_circuit` corresponds to block in dashed box `B`.
`matrixgate` is a factory function for `GeneralMatrixGate`.

Here, the only difficult concept is `focus`, `focus` returns a `FunctionBlock`, that will make focused bits the active bits.
An operator sees only active bits, and operating active space is more efficient, most importantly, it becomes much easier to integrate blocks.
However, it has the potential ability to change line orders, for safety consideration, you may also need safer [`Concentrator`](@ref).
Then we construct the inference circuit.
Here, we choose to use `reflect` to construct a [`ReflectBlock`](@ref),
instead of constructing it explicitly.
```@example Grover
rb = reflect(copy(v))
psi0 = register(v)
```@example PhaseEstimation
r = rand_state(6)
apply!(r, focus(4,1,2)) # or equivalently using focus!(r, [4,1,2])
# we want to find the digits with the first 5 qubits [1, 0, 1, 1, 1].
evidense = [1, -2, 3, 4, 5]
oracle_infer = inference_oracle(evidense)(nbit)
Then we will have a check to above function
niter = num_grover_step(prob_match_oracle(psi0, oracle_infer))
gb_infer = chain(nbit, chain(oracle_infer, rb) for i = 1:niter)

```@example PhaseEstimation
rand_unitary(N::Int) = qr(randn(N, N))[1]
Now, let's start training
```@example Grover
for (i, blk) in enumerate(gb_infer)
apply!(psi0, blk)
p_target = prob_match_oracle(psi0, oracle_infer)
println("step $i, overlap^2 = $p_target")

M = 5
N = 3
The result is
```@example Grover
pl = psi0 |> probs
config = findn(pl.>0.5)[] - 1 |> bitarray(nbit)
res = reshape(config, 5,3)

# prepair oracle matrix U
V = rand_unitary(1<<N)
phases = rand(1<<N)
ϕ = Int(0b11101)/(1<<M)
phases[3] = ϕ # set the phase of the 3rd eigenstate manually.
signs = exp.(2pi*im.*phases)
U = V*Diagonal(signs)*V' # notice U is unitary
It is 2 ~

# the state with phase ϕ
psi = U[:,3]

res, reg = phase_estimation(zero_state(M), register(psi), GeneralMatrixGate(U))
println("Phase is 2π * $(res[]), the exact value is 2π * $ϕ")
Congratuations! You get state of art quantum inference circuit!
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions examples/Grover.jl
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@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
using Yao
using Yao.Zoo: GroverIter, inference_oracle, prob_match_oracle
using Yao.Zoo: groveriter!, inference_oracle, prob_match_oracle

num_bit = 12
oracle(reg::DefaultRegister) = (reg.state[100:101,:]*=-1; reg)
target_state = zeros(1<<num_bit); target_state[100:101] = sqrt(0.5)

# then solve the above problem
it = GroverIter(oracle, uniform_state(num_bit))
for (i, psi) in it
it = groveriter!(uniform_state(num_bit), oracle)
for (i, psi) in enumerate(it)
overlap = abs(statevec(psi)'*target_state)
println("step $(i-1), overlap = $overlap")
Expand All @@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ Doing Inference, psi is the initial state, we want to search target space with s
e.g. evidense [1, -3, 6] means the [1, 3, 6]-th bits take value [1, 0, 1].
oracle_infer = inference_oracle(evidense)(nqubits(psi))
it = GroverIter(oracle_infer, psi)
for (i, psi) in it
it = groveriter!(psi, oracle_infer)
for (i, psi) in enumerate(it)
p_target = prob_match_oracle(psi, oracle_infer)
println("step $(i-1), overlap^2 = $p_target")
15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions src/Blocks/ReflectBlock.jl
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Expand Up @@ -6,20 +6,21 @@ export ReflectBlock
Householder reflection with respect to some target state, ``|\\psi\\rangle = 2|s\\rangle\\langle s|-1``.
struct ReflectBlock{N, T} <: PrimitiveBlock{N, T}
state :: Vector{T}
psi :: DefaultRegister{1, T}
ReflectBlock(state::Vector{T}) where T = ReflectBlock{log2i(length(state)), T}(state)
ReflectBlock(psi::DefaultRegister) = ReflectBlock(statevec(psi))
ReflectBlock(psi::DefaultRegister{1, T}) where T = ReflectBlock{nqubits(psi), T}(psi)
ReflectBlock(state::Vector{T}) where T = ReflectBlock(register(state))

function apply!(r::DefaultRegister, g::ReflectBlock)
r.state[:,:] .= 2.* (g.state'*r.state) .* reshape(g.state, :, 1) - r.state
v = g.psi |> state
r.state[:,:] .= 2 .* (v'*r.state) .* v - r.state

==(A::ReflectBlock, B::ReflectBlock) = A.state == B.state
copy(r::ReflectBlock) = ReflectBlock(r.state)
==(A::ReflectBlock, B::ReflectBlock) = A.psi == B.psi
copy(r::ReflectBlock) = ReflectBlock(r.psi)

mat(r::ReflectBlock) = 2*r.state*r.state' - IMatrix(length(r.state))
mat(r::ReflectBlock) = (v = r.psi |> statevec; 2*v*v' - IMatrix(length(v)))
isreflexive(::ReflectBlock) = true
ishermitian(::ReflectBlock) = true
isunitary(::ReflectBlock) = true
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3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions src/Interfaces/Sequential.jl
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Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,3 @@ function sequence end
sequence() = Sequential([])
sequence(blocks::AbstractBlock...) = Sequential(blocks...)
sequence(blocks) = sequence(blocks...)

# lazy constructors
sequence(blocks...) = n->sequence([parse_block(n, each) for each in blocks])
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Zoo/Differential.jl
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export diff_circuit, num_gradient, rotter, cnot_entangler, opgrad, collect_rotblocks
export diff_circuit, num_gradient, rotter, cnot_entangler, opgrad, collect_rotblocks, perturb

rotter(noleading::Bool=false, notrailing::Bool=false) -> ChainBlock{1, ComplexF64}
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