Using (deep) reinforcement_learning algorithm to practice on OpenAI Gym, Unity ML-Agents,and other virtual environments.
For more information about OpenAI Gym environment, see:
A Reinforcement Learning project running on OpenAI gym environment: Acrobot-v1
Using tile coding to solve the continuous state space, and them perform the original Q-Learning algorithm to it.
A Reinforcement Learning project running on OpenAI gym enviroment: MountainCarContinuous v0.
Using discretization to generalize the Q-Learning algorithm to continuous space.
An implementation of Monte Carlo controlling algorithms to solve the OpenAI gym environment:Blackjack*-v0.
An implementation of deep reinforcement learning algorithm—DQN, except for the original DQN form, I also tried several improved architecture, including double DQN, Prioritized Experience Replay, and the dueling DQN. I use Pytorch to build the neural network for my agent.
the environment I use to experiment the DQN agent is LunarLander-v2
Using mutiple approaches to solve the gym MountainCarContinuous v0
- cross_entropy_method