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Roland Firmont edited this page Oct 10, 2016 · 2 revisions
Field Datatype Default Description
className String No default, required The Name of the class of the item
blueprintGeneratedClass String No default, required The full Path of the class
isEngram Boolean false True to make a blueprint act like an engram, requiring the player to learn it
isBlueprint Boolean false True if this item should be a blueprint
canRemoveFromCluster Boolean true False will allow players to retrieve unlimited copies of this item, it will remain inside the cluster inventory until time runs out
quantity Integer 1 The quantity of the item stack
customName String empty Overrides the default item name
customDescription String empty Overrides the description of the item
durability Float 0.0 Sets the durability of the item, health for eggs
rating Float 0.0 ItemRating of the item, used for repair cost calculation, hatching progress for eggs
quality Byte 0 Quality Index of the item, starts at 0 for Primitive. Has influence on crafting and repairing cost. List of Qualities: ItemQuality
itemStatsValue_index Short 0 RandomizedQuality of the stat. Note that ark-tools reads this as a signed value, which makes -1 the highest value. This is RQ in The range and meaning of index can be found in the devkit or here: ItemStatDefinitions
eggLevelup_index Byte 0 Attributes of a fertilized egg. List of Attributes can be found in the devkit or here: Attributes
uploadOffset Integer 0 Seconds added to the upload timestamp. Positive values cause items to stay longer in the cluster before being deleted. ARK does not care about recieving items from the future and will happily lengthen the "Cluster-Timer".
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