A component that can quickly see the difference between two pictures
npm install --save vue-quick-diff
import QuickDiff from './components/Component.vue'
export default {
name: 'app',
origin: require("./assets/origin.jpg"),
diff: require("./assets/diff.jpg"),
origin_video: require("./assets/diff.mp4"),
diff_video: require("./assets/origin.mp4")
components: {
Name | Type | Default | Description |
width | real | null | Allow users to define their own width |
height | real | null | Allow users to define their own height |
posX | real | 200 | Define the initial position of the sliding bar |
pageX | real | null | Relative to pages and considering scrollbars |
isDragging | boolean | false | Actions used to judge animation |
allowNextFrame | boolean | true | Used to judge whether the action is over or not |
image_map | array | ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif'] | Judging Picture Category |
video_map | array | ['webm', 'mp4', 'ogg'] | Judging Video Category |