auth service for iot project using JWT implemented with spring
Unit testing with Junit and Mockito.
Integration testing using SpringBoot test tools.
Provides secure user creation authentication based on token and refreshToken flow.
- New users can be created (see the api documentation). Passwords are stored as salted hashes.
A short lived token along with an ID of a long lived refresh-token is provided on authentication.
A server requiring identity verification can use the public key to verify the permissons and valididty of the token.
A client with an outdated refresh token can get a new short-lived refresh token by supplying the outdated access-token along with a refresh-token.
The default access level is user.
URL: / (get)
DESCRIPION: get api version.
RESULTSUCCESS: API version string
URL: /register/ (post)
DESCRIPTION: Registers a new user, body:
username: <username>,
email: <email>,
password: <password>,
agency: <an existing agency>
RESULTERROR: 400 on invalid username/email/password, or the username/email exists
URL: auth/login (post)
DESCRIPTION: Logs in an existing user, body:
email: <email>,
password: <password>,
RESULTSUCCESS: 201 Returns a refresh-token id, and an short-lived accesstoken.
RESULTERROR: 400 on missing userdata
RESULTERROR: 401 on bad password/username combination
URL: auth/logout (post)
DESCRIPTION: Logs out an existing user, destroying the refresh token, headers:
* Auth-Token: <JWT-access-token>,
* Refresh-Token: <refresh-token-id>
RESULTSUCCESS: Always 200 when refresh token is sent
RESULTERROR: 400 if the refresh-token is missing
URL: auth/refresh
DESCRIPTION: Gets a new access-token from an expired access-token and non-expired refresh-token, headers:
- Auth-Token: <JWT-access-token>,
- Refresh-Token: <refresh-token-id>
RESULTSUCCESS: A short-lived JWT access token.
RESULTERROR: 400 if missing headers
RESULTERROR: 401 with explanation on invalid/expired/etc. tokens
- gradle build - builds and tests app and checks for test coverage.
- SQL_USERNAME: username for database
- SQL_PASSWORD: password for database
- SQL_HOST: mysql host
- SQL_DB_NAME: database name