This Project Pythia Cookbook covers working with various sources of ocean biogeochemistry data, including Community Earth System Model (CESM) output and observational data.
You'll get a brief introduction to some metrics important to ocean biogeochemistry, from physical quantities like temperature to biological quantities like plankton biomass. You'll learn some of the data science techniques used to work with this information, and see the relationship between modeled and observational estimates.
Lev Romashkov, Kristen Krumhardt
Learn how to read in the main CESM dataset that we'll be working with, and make a few simple maps.
Explore the distribution of several nutrients in the ocean with maps and vertical profiles, and compare to observational data.
Explore the distribution of the phytoplankton and zooplankton functional types represented in CESM, and compare to observational data.
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important for now. All you need to know is how to launch a Pythia
Cookbooks chapter via Binder. Simply navigate your mouse to
the top right corner of the book chapter you are viewing and click
on the rocket ship icon, (see figure below), and be sure to select
“launch Binder”. After a moment you should be presented with a
notebook that you can interact with. I.e. you’ll be able to execute
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If you are interested in running this material locally on your computer, you will need to follow this workflow:
Clone the
repository:git clone
Move into the
directorycd ocean-bgc-cookbook
Create and activate your conda environment from the
fileconda env create -f environment.yml conda activate ocean-bgc-cookbook-dev
Move into the
directory and start up Jupyterlabcd notebooks/ jupyter lab