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Vatic is a Python package for running simulations of a power grid using the PJM framework consisting of alternating day-ahead unit commitment (UC) and real-time economic dispatch (ED) steps. Vatic was originally designed as a lightweight adaptation of Prescient; it likewise applies mixed-integer linear programming optimization as implemented in Pyomo to power grid formulations created using Egret.

Installing Vatic

After making sure you have a Python version within 3.8 through 3.11 installed, clone the repository using one of the following from command line:

git clone


git clone [email protected]:PrincetonUniversity/Vatic.git

Move to the newely created directory cd Vatic

Make sure you have anaconda installed. On the cluster, run the following command module load anaconda3/2022.10. To create a virtual environment, whose name is "vatic-test", run the following command: conda create -n vatic-test python=3.11 and activate it: conda activate vatic-test.

Then, from inside the cloned directory, install Vatic:

pip install .

While this will install Vatic's Python package dependencies, you will need to also choose and install a MILP solver with Python support. A good free option is Cbc; we also recommend considering obtaining a license for Gurobi, which allows for much faster simulation.

Installing grid datasets

The Vatic repository includes the May 2021 version of the Texas-7k grid dataset produced by Adam Birchfield et al. at Texas A&M with a few modifications (see release notes).

We have also included a hypothetical 2030 version of the Texas-7k grid in which renewables penetration has been increased to roughly 50%, as opposed to 20% in the default 2020 version.

You can additionally download the smaller testing RTS-GMLC grid for use with Vatic by running cd Vatic; git submodule init; git submodule update; pip install ..

Running Vatic

Installing Vatic adds the command vatic-det to your command line namespace. The simplest way to invoke this command is:

vatic-det $input_grid $start_date $num_days

input_grid can be either of the currently supported grids: "RTS-GMLC", "Texas-7k", or "Texas-7k_2030."

start_date is the first day that will be simulated by Vatic, given in YYYY-MM-DD format. For RTS-GMLC, only dates in 2020 are supported, while the Texas grids only support dates in 2018.

num_days is the number of days to simulate from the starting date and must therefore be given as a positive integer.

Unless using the --csv option, the output returned by Vatic is stored in a compressed pickle object named output.p.gz saved in the given out_dir (see below). This object can be opened in a Python session:

import dill as pickle
import bz2

with bz2.BZ2File("output.p.gz", 'r') as f:
    output = pickle.load(f)

An example of how to run Vatic on 2020-05-04 on 1 day using Gurobi, and saving the output to .csv files:

mkdir ${out_dir}
vatic-det RTS-GMLC ${date} 1 --solver gurobi --csv --out-dir ${out_dir}

And the results will be stored at the newly created directory whose name is the date.

vatic-det also supports the following optional arguments further controlling its behaviour:

  • --out-dir (-o) Where the output will be stored; if not specified it will be saved to the location vatic-det was invoked from. Vatic will create this directory if it does not already exist.

  • --solver The solver to use for RUC and SCED optimization model instances, such as cbc or gurobi. The default is cbc, which is available for free through services such as conda. Note that you may have to install your preferred solver separately.

  • --solver-args A list of arguments to modify the behaviour of the solver used for RUCs and SCEDs. These should be given in the format --solver-args arg1=x arg2=y arg3=z .... For example, if you are using Gurobi, you might specify --solver-args Cuts=1 Presolve=1 Heuristics=0.03.

  • --threads (-t) The number of compute cores to be used for parallelization within the optimization solver. If you are running vatic-det on a remote compute cluster, do not use more cores than what has been allocated to you for a particular job. The default value is 1, which will not parallelize any computation. Must be a non-negative integer; a value of 0 will instruct the solvers to use all possible nodes, which is not recommended when running on remote clusters.

  • --output-detail A non-negative integer used to specify the amount of information stored in the output object. With 0, only the hourly system-wide summaries are returned; with 1 (the default) we add generator-level data such as hourly dispatches and headroom values; with 2 we also add load bus and transmission line details including load mismatches and transmission congestion for each simulated time point. Note that more detail results in larger output files, which may be a concern if you are running Vatic as part of a large-scale experiment involving many iterated simulations.

  • --lmps If this flag is given, Vatic will calculate bus-specific locational marginal prices at each real-time SCED. Note that this tends to increase SCED runtime by roughly 25%.

  • --create-plots (-p) If given, Vatic will also save summary statistic plots such as daily stackgraphs to the output directory.

  • --csv Save output to a collection of .csv files instead of a serialized Python pickle.

  • --verbose (-v) Print log messages to screen during simulation. Add more flags for more messages (e.g. -vvv).

  • --sced-horizon How far ahead in hours each security-constrained economic dispatch instance will look ahead. Must be a positive integer; the default value is 4.

  • --ruc-horizon How many hours each reliability unit commitment will consider in its optimization. Must be a positive integer; the default value is 48 to avoid horizon effects when planning towards the end of the current day.

  • --ruc-mipgap (-g) The relative optimality gap used by each reliability unit commitment instance to decide when to terminate. Expressed as a ratio of the difference between the lower and upper objective bound and the incumbent objective value. The default value is 0.01.

  • --reserve-factor (-r) How much headroom or spare capacity must the system plan for at each operating time step given as a proportion of the total load demand at a time step; the default value is 0.05.

  • --load-shed-penalty The dollar amount the grid will be penalized per MWh if load shed occurs. This and the reserve penalty described below govern how hard the grid tries to avoid situtations where load fails (or almost fails) to meet demand in real-time. However, it is the reserve factor requirement as used in the commitment planning stage that usually decides whether or not the grid actually manages to avoid such situations.

  • --reserve-shortfall-penalty The dollar amount the grid should be penalized per MWh if the reserve requirement is not met.

  • --init-ruc-file If this file exists, it will be treated as a saved reliability unit commitment from a previous iteration of Vatic that used the same grid and starting date. If it doesn't exist, Vatic will save the RUC from this run to the file for future use. The cached RUC file takes the form of a .p pickled Python object that is in the ballpark of 600K and 30M in size for the RTS-GMLC and the Texas grids respectively.

  • --init-conditions-file Alternative initial conditions to use for the thermal generator states. Although both RTS-GMLC and Texas-7k come with a "default" set of initial conditions (see for e.g. vatic/data/grids/Texas-7k/TX_Data/FormattedData/.../noTX/on_time_7.10.csv), for specific simulation days these may not be appropriate as the grid will struggle to reconcile the states to the actual state of the grid in the first simulation hour.

  • --last-conditions-file If given, the final states of the thermal generators will be saved to use as initial states for another simulation run (see init-conditions-file above).