Speed your MERN app by REDIS
# to start docker app
docker compose up -d
- Can view MongoDB data in MongoDB compass at URI "mongodb://localhost:27017"
- Can view Redis data in RedisInsight at localhost with port 6379
- Can change above connection details or ports by the environment variables in .env file
When starting the backend app, it takes few minutes to perform following
- Seed the movie data to MongoDB
- Setup "WriteBehind strategy" for syncing between Redis and MongoDB
- Start the API server
# to stop docker app
docker compose down
# to stop & also delete volumes (mongodb & redis data)
docker compose down -v
# to rebuild all images & start
docker compose up -d --build
# to rebuild image of specific service (after any code changes)
docker-compose build --no-cache <service_name>
# example
docker-compose build --no-cache movie_backend_service