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A simple change or feature, perfect for newcomers to the project.
Extra assistence is needed, PR's welcome!
This issue needs to be investigated into further.
We can't reproduce this issue.
This issue is a copy of an existing issue.
This issue is not filled out correctly.
This issue or PR has automatically been closed due to inactivity.
This PR has been replaced by a newer one.
This issue is invalid; the user is running an outdated, unsupported version.
This issue will not be resolved, or this feature will not be implemented.
This is working as intended.
This issue can be reproduced, or this feature may be implemented.
This issue or feature request still needs to be confirmed.
Something else must be done before this issue or PR can be finished.
Something isn't working as intended.
This issue requests a new feature.
This issue is related to performance.
This is not an issue or feature request, it's just a question.
You can’t perform that action at this time.