A custom game/lobby/server launcher for Sacred 2 with some usefull features !
Automatic savegames backup
The launcher can create backup of savegames when you stop playing the game. -
Manual savegames backup
You can manually create a savegames backup. -
Simple game parameters
Easily select game parameters. -
Change game language
Easily change the txt/voice language of the game (if installed) -
Include JSGME Mods Manager
You can install/start JSGME for easy mods management. -
Include Sacred 2 Server Launcher
Allow you to start a lobby server and a game server for LAN/Online play.
You can view the ReadMe for the Game Launcher and the Server Launcher here : View ReadMe
Copy S2Launcher.exe to the root of Sacred 2 game folder.
- Player's characters will not be stored on the server, only in player's computer.
- It seems that after some days of running, some instabilitys may occurs on the server. It is recommended to restart it from time to time.
- All players must use the same game version with same mods as the running server to be able to play and avoid bugs.
Always make a backup of your game and savegames before using any mods or program. Even if developers do their best to provide bugfree mods or program, there is always a small chance that it could break up something in your games or savegames.
- .NET Framework 4.6.1 (for the Lobby application) https://www.microsoft.com/fr-fr/download/details.aspx?id=49982
- Port forwarding to server host IP (on your router) :
- 6800 (for lobby server),
- 6801 (for chat server),
- 6802 (for game server).
Each router's interface are different, but you may find a "Port Forwarding" section where you can do that. For example, if the computer on wich you want to host the lobby server or game server have the IP address, you musd add a rule that redirect each ports to this computer's IP address for TCP and UDP protocol.
Allow ports 6800, 6801 and 6802 into your firewall if needed.
Allow the game client, lobby server and game server into your firewall. You can use S2Firewall.cmd to do it easily, located in S2Server folder.
- Use the GUI to modify settings and start a game server.
- If you set server mode to "LAN", the server is only accessible on your network.
- If you set server mode to "OpenNet", a lobby server will be started in order for everyone to be able to join it, and a game server will be started.
- Please refer to tooltips in the GUI to understand what parameters are used for.
Open this file in a text editor : .\scripts\optionsDefault.txt
Modify this line (~10) : lobby_ip = "eu.sacred2.net", by replacing "eu.sacred2.net" with the IP address of the lobby server to connect to.
If you start the game on the same computer where the lobby server is launched, use "localhost" as the IP address.
If you want someone to connect to the lobby server from the internet, he/she/it must use the public IP address of the server. You can use this website to find it : https://www.whatismyip.com/
Save the file then launch the game. Don't forget to start the server before.
If you set the server mode to OpenNet :
Go to Multiplayer, then click on "New account",
Fill in the form like desired. Remember not to use sensible data for password,
Don't worry about CD Key, enter anything you want,
Validate the registration form,
Now, you can use this newly created account to log into the lobby server,
In the main window, you must now be abble to see and join your server.
If you set the server mode to LAN :
Go to Multiplayer, then click on "Local",
In the main window, you must now be abble to see and join your server.
If you get an error 61 or 64, that's something related to the game can't have access to the lobby or game server. Check NETWORK REQUIREMENTS section of this ReadMe.
This is a network example :
┌───────────────────┐ ┌───────────────────┐ ┌───────────────────┐
│ Local Network │ │ Local Network │ │ Online Network │
│ IP : │ │ IP : │ │ IP : │
└─────────┬─────────┘ └─────────┬─────────┘ └─────────┬─────────┘
│ │ │
↓ ↓ ↓
Must connect to Must connect to Must connect to
on port 6800 on port 6800 on port 6800
│ │ │
│ ┌─────────────────────┘ │
┌──────┘ │ ┌───────────────────────────────────────┘
│ │ │
┌─────↓──────────↓───────↓─┐ ┌────────────────────────┐
│ Local IP : ◄───── ◄────┤ ON SAME COMPUTER AS │
│ Public IP : │ on port 6800 │ THE GAME/LOBBY SERVER │
│ Ports 6800-6802 are │ │ Local IP : │
│ forwarded to local IP. │ └────────────────────────┘
- To properly stop the lobby server, use the X key inside the lobby server window.
- To properly stop the game server, user CTRL+C inside the game server window.
Sacred 2 Launcher / Server Launcher
- Author : PolluxTroy (Discord: Pollux Troy#0231)
- Sources : https://github.com/PolluxTroy0/S2Launcher
Sacred 2 Lobby Emulator
- Author : pnxr
- Sources : https://github.com/pnxr/sacred2-lobby-emulator
JSGME Mods Manager
- Author : Jesen Jones
- Sources : http://www.users.on.net/~jscones/software