- Identify all classes
- Create new static classes by grouping related members
- Identify all methods
- Identify all fields
- Identify all local variables
- Remove any remaining obfuscation (possibly none left)
- Fix poor decompiler behavior (fernflower)
- Replace magic numbers and bitmasks with named final fields
- Refactor code to improve behavior/readability
- Modernize code/libraries (High DPI support, modern refresh rates, ...)
- Support existing servers via global config flags that adjust packet behaviors
- Organize classes into packages
OpenRS2 annotations are left in the source to build a deob map from, in case some of my changes aren't desirable.
That mapping can be used to generate a new deob with everything renamed for you.
Build requirements:
- Java 8+
Runtime requirements:
- SD: Java 8+
- HD on Windows, use Java 15 or lower. There is a JOGL issue on 16+ related to how they grab the WGL context from the window.
- HD on Linux: Java 8+
- HD on macOS: Not possible yet on latest macOS. Might work for earlier OS versions.
git clone https://github.com/Pazaz/RT4-Client.git
cd RT4-Client
./gradlew run
You will be connected to a test server automatically.
This server is provided by 2009scape for their own internal developments.
- Packet behaviors to make it compatible with existing servers
- View distance in HD
- Bilinear map filtering in HD/SD
- Tweening enabled by default (existed in client)
- Shift-click behavior on inventory items enabled by default (existed in client)
- JOGL was updated to 2.4.0
- Update/render loop was decoupled to tick indepedently from each other
- Camera panning input rewritten to use render loop timing
- Varp array size was extended to 3500 instead of 2500
- Mouse wheel camera movement (click middle button and move mouse)
- Render FPS is set to your monitor's refresh rate
- JOGL/Gluegen 2.4.0rc
- Google Gson 2.9.0