This Repository Guides you to complete ASIC flow from scratch (GUIDE : Kunal Ghosh)
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
chmod +x
The installed contents will be available at ~/riscv_toolchain
- HLL -> High level language (c , c++)
- ALP -> Assembly level program
- HDL -> Hardware Description Language
- GDS -> Graphic Data System (layout)
The Hardware needs to understand what the Application software is saying it to do.This relation can be eshtablished by System Software
System Software
- OS : Operating System : Handles IO, memory allocation, Low level system function
- Compiler : Convert the input to hardware dependent instruction
- Assembler : Convert the instructions provided by compiler to Binary format
- HDL : A program that understands the Binary pattern and map it to a netlist
- GDS : Layout
Compile it using C compiler
gcc sum_1_to_N.c -o 1_to_N.o
-o allows you to name your output file
compile using riscv compieler and view the output
riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -O1 -mabi=lp64 -march=rv64i -o 1_to_N.o sum_1_to_N.c
spike pk 1_to_N.o
- -Onumber : level of optimisation required
- -mabi : specifies the ABI (Application Binary Interface) to be used during code generation according to the requirements
- -march : specifies target architecture
We can check the different options available for all these fields using the commands go to the directory where riscv64-unkonwn-elf is present
- -O1 :
riscv64-unkonwn-elf --help=optimizer
- -mabi :
riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc --target-help
- -march :
riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc --target-help
To view the disassembled ALP code
riscv64-unkonwn-elf-objdump -d 1_to_N.o
To debug the ALP generated by the compiler
spike -d pk 1_to_N.o
- press ENTER : shows the first line and successive ENTER shows successive lines
- reg 0 a2 : checks content of register a2 0th core
- q : quit the debug process
- use the command
riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -d 1_to_N.o | less
- use
to search for an instance - press ENTER
- press
to search next occurance - press
to search for previous occurance. - use
esc :q
to quit
Contents of main when used -O1 optimizer
contents of main when used -Ofast optimizer
Range of Unsigned numbers : [0, (2^n)-1 ] Range of signed numbes : Positive : [0 , 2^(n-1)-1] Negative : [-1 to 2^(n-1)]
2. create a C program that shows the maximum and minimum values of 64bit unsigend and signed numbers
Instructions that act on signed or unsigned integers are called Base Integer Instructions There are 47 Base Integer Instructions present in RISC-V ISA
The instructions generated by compiler using a target ISA can be accessed by OS and User directly
- The parts of ISA accessible to User : User ISA
- The parts of ISA accessible to OS : system ISA The access is done using Sysytem calls with the help of ABI
==> If we want to access hardware resources of processor, it has to be done via registers using ABI
- Directly store in registers
- Store into registers from memory
To store 64 bits of data from mem to reg, we use 8*8bit stores ie., m[0],m[1]......m[7].
The load, add, store etc instructions have different representation formats
Pass The inputs to C program using Registers
The required program files are under day 2 folder
Here we can observe that at 5th line, inorder to comute the result ,its going to the "load" function