Welcome to the PRIDE (PRoteomics IDEntifications) Database GitHub organization! We're dedicated to advancing proteomics research through open data sharing and standardization.
The PRIDE Database is a leading repository for mass spectrometry-based proteomics data, maintained by the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI). Our mission is to:
- Provide a centralized repository for proteomics data submissions
- Enable data reuse and reproducibility in proteomics research
- Develop and maintain tools for proteomics data analysis and visualization
- Support the proteomics community through standardized data formats and workflows
- Fork the desired repository
- Clone your fork locally
- Install required dependencies (see project-specific README)
- Write unit tests for new features
- Document your code using standard documentation formats
- Submit pull requests against the
dev or develop
branch - All changes require peer review
- CI/CD checks must pass
- Documentation must be updated when applicable
- PRIDE Archive Website
- PRIDE Documentation
- GitHub Discussions: Join our disussions at GitHub discussions
We believe in:
- Open science and data sharing
- Collaborative development
- Clear communication
- Continuous learning
Fun fact: Our team's favorite coding fuel is a mix of coffee and Tea with a lot of fun!
- Check a repository
- Pick an issue or propose a new feature
- Follow our contribution guidelines
- Submit your pull request
All PRIDE Database projects are licensed under the Apache License 2.0 unless otherwise specified.
PRIDE is supported by EMBL-EBI, and we're grateful to our global community of contributors who help make proteomics data sharing possible.
Need help? Open an issue or contact [email protected]