it is a public version of my personal setup, meaning that it's not the same, but it contains a lot of smaller installation guides, and packages I've installed to shape my system to my needs
this does not have an install guide (yet). for that I recomend the official installation guide here or this youtube video here, the same youtuber have an installation guide for the
library version as well -
I've been using the
version of Void linux, and this setup is shaped around that- that doesn't mean that some of the solutions can't be applied to other systems to, but they may not work
for the most part this setup should be self explanatory, read the titles
Local branch titles
Specific tool setup README file links
This section cover settings under settings manager, the settings are grouped under their category title
- Fonts
- Sans Regular
- Size = 11
- Sans Monospace Regular
- Size = 11
- Sans Regular
- Keyboard
- Maximize window = f11
- Toggle fullscreen = Ctrl+f11
- Move window to left workspace = Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Left
- Move window to right workspace = Shift+Ctrl+Alt+right
- Tile window to the top = Super+Up
- Tile window to the bottom = Super+Down
- Tile window to the left = Super+Left
- Tile window to the right = Super+Right
- Tile window to the top-left = Super+H
- Tile window to the top-right = Super+K
- Tile window to the bottom-left = Super+J
- Tile window to the bottom-right = Super+L
WindowManager Tweaks
- Accessibility
- Automatically tile windows when moving toward the screen edge = on
Terminal Preferences
- Appearance
- Font
- Terminus Bold 14
- Background
- Transparent Background
- Opacity = 0.70
- Transparent Background
- Font
- Advanced
- Shortcuts
- Disable menu shortcut key (F10 by default) = on
- Shortcuts
Mouse and Touchpad
- Devices
- Touchpad
- Tap touchpad to click = off
- Touchpad
- Application Shortcuts
- xkill = Ctrl+Escape
- sl
- cmatrix
- cowsay
- fortune-mod
- void-repo-nonfree (allow nonfree packages on the system, needed for steam)
- void-repo-multilib (add 32 bit packages, needed for steam)
- bash-completion
- xkill
- brightnessctl
- xreader (document viewer, pdf)
- screenFetch
- xfce4-screenshooter
- noto-fonts-emoji
- ttf-ubuntu-font-family
- gnome-disk-utility
- galculator
- apparmor
- thunar-archive-plugin
- xarchiver
- unzip
- xz
- git
- github-cli
- curl
- neovim
- gcc
- make
- cmake
- ruby
- ruby-devel
- pnpm
- docker
- docker-compose
- vscode
Language servers
- clang
- clang-tools-extra
- lua-language-server
- bluez
- blueman
- thunderbird
- libreoffice
- libreoffice-writer
- libreoffice-impress
- libreoffice-calc
- libreoffice-math
- libreoffice-base
- libreoffice-i18n-en-US
- libreoffice-i18n-nb
cloud storage
- dropbox (run
dropbox update
in terminal after install)
- vulkan-loader
- mesa-vulkan-intel (driver, works for intel cpu graphics)
- mesa-vulkan-radeon (driver, works for amd graphics card)
- amdvlk (driver, open source amd graphics card, might not be ideal on older cards)
- Vulkan-Tools
- nvtop
- glmark2
- gimp
- blender
- krita
- kdenlive
book library
- calibre
voice chat
- skype
- dwarffortress
- minetest
- supertux2
- supertuxkart
- steam
- libgcc-32bit
- libstdc++-32bit
- libdrm-32bit
- libglvnd-32bit
- mesa-dri-32bit
more information from video (here)
- the original page wiki page is no longer available
- require npm package installed
- for this package manager commands are shown
Typescript Language Server
sudo npm install -g typescript-language-server typescript
- require ruby and the ruby devel package installed (the ruby package contain the gem package as well)
- for this package manager commands are shown
Ruby gem packages
gem install solargraph
(ruby language server)
- after this installation, you probably need to add the user directory to the system path
- this can be done by piping an
command of the path into your users home directory, then to.bashr
like thisecho 'export PATH=$PATH:/add/the/path/that/the/installation/says/is/missing/from/the/path/here' >> ~/.bashrc
- this can be done by piping an