📫 How to reach me [email protected]
📄 Know about my experiences https://orlandroyd.github.io/
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
📄 Know about my experiences https://orlandroyd.github.io/
ComposeCalendar is a date picker library built specifically for Android applications using Jetpack Compose. With this library, developers can effortlessly integrate three types of date pickers into…
DiaryNotes (Multi-Modular Android App) allows users to write and save diary entries with the option to include photos and expressive emojis to capture the essence of each moment.
Kotlin 2
ToDo app using clean architecture and Jetpack Compose - Testing - GithubActions
Kotlin 1
SOLID app with the clean architectural guidelines. Use dependency injection with Dagger-Hilt, SOLID principles, CSV parsing with OpenCSV, working with remote APIs using Retrofit, local caching with…
Kotlin 1
Contacts App using Kotlin Multiplatform (Android - iOS - Desktop)
Kotlin 1